Seri verbs: multiple complexities

Verbal and nominal number colloquium

Key details

Dates: 9 October 2019

Location: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City

For further information, please email:


Click here for the programme [PDF].


The goal of this event is to bring together linguists who are interested in the morphological, syntactic and semantic analysis of nominal and verbal number in the indigenous languages of the Americas, using both synchronic, as well as diachronic approaches. The event will take place under the auspices of the research project "Seri verbs: multiple complexities" (University of Surrey, England), being lead by Dr. Matthew Baerman, and with the collaboration of Dr. Patricia Cabredo-Hofherr, Dr. Carolyn O'Meara, Dr. Jérémy Pasquereau and Dr. Stephen A. Marlett.

Project members

Dr. Matthew Baerman
Dr. Carolyn O'Meara
Dr. Patricia Cabredo-Hofherr
Dr. Jérémy Pasquereau
Prof. Stephen Marlett

Period of award:

July 2017 - July 2020


Arts and Humanities Research Council
