Canonical Typology
Canonical Typology bibliography
Publications on Canonical Typology are increasing steadily. The list of publications and preprints available here show that Canonical Typology has progressed from its origins in morphology and syntax to cover a much greater range, including phonology and sign language.
Please do send in new items, as well as any items which have been inadvertently omitted (for which I apologise), to:
Andrason, Alexander. 2022. Serial Verb Constructions in North-West Semitic languages: From a synchronic radiation back to the ‘Big Bang’. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, 65. 67-87. doi: 10.5842/65-1-970.
Andrason, Alexander, Irina Hornea & Marcus Joubert. 2020. The Structure of Interjections in Biblical Hebrew: Phonetics, Morphology, and Syntax. Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 20. 1-43. doi: 10.5508/jhs29555.
Arkadiev, Peter M. 2020. (Non)finiteness, constructions and participles in Lithuanian. Linguistics 58(2). 379–424. doi: 10.1515/ling-2020-0045.
Aronoff, Mark. 2019. Canonical syncretism and Chomsky’s S. In Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond & Andrew Hippisley (eds), Morphological perspectives, 138-147. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Audring, Jenny. 2017. Calibrating complexity: How complex is a gender system? Language Sciences 60. 53–68. doi: 10.1016/j.langsci.2016.09.003
Audring, Jenny. 2019. Canonical, complex, complicated? In Francesca Di Garbo, Bruno Olsson & Bernhard Wälchli (eds). Grammatical gender and linguistic complexity: Volume I: General issues and specific studies, 15–52. Berlin: Language Science Press. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3462756
Baerman, Matthew & Greville G. Corbett. 2012. Stem alternations and multiple exponence. Word Structure 5, 1: 52-68. doi: 10.3366/word.2012.0019
Baerman, Matthew & Greville G. Corbett. 2020. Introduction: defectiveness: typology and diachrony. In: Matthew Baerman, Greville G. Corbett and Dunstan Brown Defective paradigms: missing forms and what they tell us (Proceedings of the British Academy, 163), 1-18. Oxford: British Academy and Oxford University Press.
Baerman, Matthew, Oliver Bond & Andrew Hippisley. 2019. Taking the morphological perspective. In Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond & Andrew Hippisley (eds), Morphological perspectives, 1-27. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Baerman, Matthew, Dunstan Brown & Greville G. Corbett. 2005. The syntax-morphology interface: A study of syncretism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [especially pages 27-35] Publisher's site
Beniamine, Sacha. 2018. Classifications flexionnelles. Étude quantitative des structures de paradigmes. PhD thesis. Université Sorbonne Paris Cité - Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7).
Beniamine, Sacha 2021. One lexeme, many classes: Inflection class systems as lattices. In Berthold Crysmann & Manfred Sailer (eds.), One-to-many relations in morphology, syntax, and semantics, 23–51. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4729789
Bonami, Olivier and Gilles Boyé. 2019. Paradigm uniformity and the French gender system. In Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond and Andrew Hippisley (eds), Morphological perspectives, 171-192. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Bond, Oliver. 2013. A base for canonical negation. In Dunstan Brown, Marina Chumakina & Greville G. Corbett (eds.), Canonical morphology and syntax, 20-47. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bond, Oliver. 2019. Where are gender values and how do I get to them? In Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond & Andrew Hippisley (eds), Morphological perspectives, 327-369. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Bond, Oliver. 2019. Canonical Typology. In Jenny Audring & Francesca Masini (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory, 409-431. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brown, Dunstan & Marina Chumakina. 2013. What there is and what there might be: An introduction to Canonical Typology. In Dunstan Brown, Marina Chumakina & Greville G. Corbett (eds.), Canonical morphology and syntax, 1-19. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199604326.003.0001.
Brown, Dunstan, Marina Chumakina & Greville G. Corbett (eds). 2013. Canonical morphology and syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Publisher's site
Brown, Dunstan, Marina Chumakina, Greville Corbett, Gergana Popova & Andrew Spencer. 2012. Defining ‘periphrasis’: key notions. Morphology 22. 233-275. DOI 10.1007/s11525-012-9201-5
Camilleri, Maris. 2021. Morphological Complexity in Maltese: A divergence from canonicity. In Angela Ralli, Geert Booij, Sergio Scalise & Athanasios Karasimos (eds) Morphology and the Architecture of Grammar: On-line Proceedings of the Eighth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM8) Cagliari, Italy, 14-17 September 2011, pp. 92-117.
Camilleri, Maris & Phyllisienne Gauci. 2014. Syncretism and its effects within Maltese nominal paradigms. Folio Linguistica 47, 2: 323-343. doi: 10.1515/flin.2013.013
Campbell, Amy M. 2012. The Morphosyntax of Discontinuous Exponence. PhD Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley. (Chapter 3)
Cappellaro, Chiara. 2013. Overabundance in diachrony: A case study. In Silvio Cruschina, Martin Maiden & John Charles Smith (eds.), The boundaries of pure morphology: Diachronic and synchronic perspectives, 209-220. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chumakina, Marina. 2011. Nominal periphrasis: A canonical approach. Studies in Language 35, 2: 247-274. doi: 10.1075/sl.35.2.01chu.
Comrie, Bernard. 2003. When agreement gets trigger-happy. In Dunstan Brown, Greville Corbett & Carole Tiberius (eds.) Agreement: A typological perspective. Special issue of Transactions of the Philological Society 101, 2: 313-37.
Comrie, Bernard & Raoul Zamponi. 2019. Verb Root Ellipsis. In Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond & Andrew Hippisley (eds), Morphological perspectives, 233-280. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Corbett, Greville G. 2003a. Agreement: Canonical instances and the extent of the phenomenon. In Geert Booij, Janet DeCesaris, Angela Ralli & Sergio Scalise (eds.), Topics in morphology: Selected papers from the Third Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (Barcelona, September 20-22, 2001), 109-128. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Download pdf
Corbett, Greville G. 2003b. Agreement: The range of the phenomenon and the principles of the Surrey Database of Agreement. In Dunstan Brown, Greville G. Corbett & Carole Tiberius (eds.), Agreement: A typological perspective. Special issue of Transactions of the Philological Society 101, 2: 155-202. Download PDF
Corbett, Greville G. 2005. The canonical approach in typology. In Zygmunt Frajzyngier, Adam Hodges & David S. Rood (eds.), Linguistic diversity and language theories (Studies in Language Companion Series 72), 25-49. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Download PDF
Corbett, Greville G. 2006. Agreement. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Publisher's site
Corbett, Greville G. 2007. Canonical typology, suppletion and possible words. Language 83, 1: 8-42 Download PDF
Corbett, Greville G. 2008. Determining morphosyntactic feature values: The case of case. In Greville G. Corbett & Michael Noonan (eds.), Case and grammatical relations: Papers in honour of Bernard Comrie, 1-34. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Download PDF
Corbett, Greville G. 2009. Canonical Inflectional Classes. In Fabio Montermini, Gilles Boyé & Jesse Tseng (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 6th Décembrettes, 1-11. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. Download PDF
Corbett, Greville G. 2010. Canonical derivational morphology. Word Structure 3(2), 141-155. doi: 10.3366/word.2010.0002.
Corbett, Greville G. 2011a. The penumbra of morphosyntactic feature systems. Morphology 21.445-480. (special issue on “Markedness and Underspecification in the Morphology and Semantics of Agreement” edited by Jonathan Bobaljik, Uli Sauerland & Andrew Nevins). DOI:10.1007/s11525-010-9171-4.
Corbett, Greville G. 2011b. Higher order exceptionality in inflectional morphology. In Horst J. Simon & Heike Wiese (eds.), Expecting the unexpected: Exceptions in grammar, 107-126. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Corbett, Greville G. 2013. Canonical morphosyntactic features. In Dunstan Brown, Marina Chumakina & Greville G. Corbett (eds.), Canonical morphology and syntax, 48-65. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Corbett, Greville G. 2015. Morphosyntactic complexity: a typology of lexical splits. Language 91.145-193. DOI: 10.1353/lan.2015.000
Corbett, Greville G.2019. Pluralia tantum nouns and the theory of features: a typology of nouns with non-canonical number properties. Morphology 29. 51-108. (Published online 2018-12-05.) doi: 10.1007/s11525-018-9336-0.
Corbett, Greville G.. 2021. Feature-based competition: a thousand years of Slavonic possessives. In Sedigheh Moradi, Marcia Haag, Janie Rees-Miller & Andrija Petrovic (eds) All Things Morphology: its independence and its interfaces, 171-198. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/cilt.353.10cor.
Corbett, Greville G. 2022. Splits, internal and external, and their linkage: what we learn about featural specification. Morphology. open access. DOI: 10.1007/s11525-021-09387-5.
Corbett, Greville G. 2022. The Agreement Hierarchy revisited: the typology of controllers. Word Structure 15(3). 181-225. (Thematic issue The many facets of agreement edited by Tania Paciaroni, Alice Idone & Michele Loporcaro). open access. doi:10.3366/word.2022.0208
Corbett, Greville G. 2023. The typology of external splits. Language 99(1).108-153
Corbett, Greville G. 2023.The typology of external splits: Supplementary Material. Online only at
Corbett, Greville G. 2023. The Agreement Hierarchy and (generalized) semantic agreement. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8(1). pp. 1–39. DOI:
Corbett, Greville G. & Sebastian Fedden. Two systems or one? A Canonical Typology approach. 2015. Paper presented at the conference 'Diversity linguistics: retrospect and prospect', Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, 1-3 May 2015. Download PDF
Corbett, Greville G. & Sebastian Fedden. 2016. Canonical gender. Journal of Linguistics 52.495-531. doi: 10.1017/S0022226715000195.
Corbett, Greville G., Sebastian Fedden & Raphael Finkel. 2017. Single versus concurrent feature systems: nominal classification in Mian. Linguistic Typology 21(2). 209–260. doi: 10.1515/lingty-2017-0006.
Cormier, Kearsy, Adam Schembri & Bencie Woll. 2013. Pronouns and pointing in sign languages. Lingua 137. 230-247. doi: 10.1016/j.lingua.2013.09.010.
Costello, Brendan. 2016. Effects of the use of space in the agreement system of lengua de signos española (Spanish Sign Language). PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam. [See especially pp 259-271]
Crysmann, Berthold & Olivier Bonami. 2016. Variable morphotactics in Information-based Morphology. Journal of Linguistics 52. 311-374. doi: 10.1017/S0022226715000018.
Cysouw, Michael. 2011. Very atypical agreement indeed. Theoretical Linguistics 37. 153-160.
Dingemanse, Mark. 2019. ‘Ideophone’ as a comparative concept. In Kimi Akita & Prashant Pardeshi (eds) Ideophones, Mimetics, Expressives, 13–33. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Download PDF
Evans, Nicholas. 2003. Typologies of agreement: some problems from Kayardild. In Dunstan Brown, Greville G. Corbett & Carole Tiberius (eds.) Agreement: A typological perspective. Special issue of Transactions of the Philological Society 101(2). 203-34.
Evans, Nicholas. 2013. Some problems in the typology of quotation: A canonical approach. In Dunstan Brown, Marina Chumakina & Greville G. Corbett (eds.), Canonical morphology and syntax, 66-98. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Evans, Nicholas. 2019. Waiting for the word: distributed deponency and the semantic interpretation of number in the Nen verb. In Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond & Andrew Hippisley (eds), Morphological perspectives, 100-123. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Evans, Nicholas, Henrik Bergqvist & Lila San Roque. 2018. The grammar of engagement II: Typology and diachrony. Language and Cognition 10.141-170. doi: 10.1017/langcog.2017.22.
Everaert, Martin. 2013. The criteria for reflexivization. In Dunstan Brown, Marina Chumakina & Greville G. Corbett (eds.), Canonical morphology and syntax, 190-206. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Farrar, Scott. 2013. An ontological approach to Canonical Typology: Laying the foundations for e-Linguistics. In Dunstan Brown, Marina Chumakina & Greville G. Corbett (eds), Canonical morphology and syntax, 239-261. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199604326.003.0010.
Fedden, Sebastian. 2019. To agree or not to agree? – A typology of sporadic agreement. In Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond & Andrew Hippisley (eds), Morphological perspectives, 303-326. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Fedden, Sebastian and Greville G. Corbett. 2017. Gender and classifiers in concurrent systems Refining the typology of nominal classification. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 2(1): 34. 1–47. doi: 10.5334/gjgl.177.
Fedden, Sebastian, Jenny Audring and Greville G. Corbett (eds) 2018. Non-canonical gender systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Forker, Diana 2014. A canonical approach to the argument/adjunct distinction. Linguistic discovery 12, 2: 27-40. doi: 10.1349/PS1.1537-0852.A.444
Forker, Diana. 2016. Conceptualization in current approaches of language typology. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 48(1). 70‑84. doi: 10.1080/03740463.2016.1176372.
Fortin, Antonio. 2011. The morphology and semantics of expressive affixes. DPhil thesis: University of Oxford.
van Gijn, Rik & Fernando Zúñiga. 2014. Word and the Americanist perspective. Morphology 24, 135-160. Download PDF
Good, Jeff. 2008. Modeling signifiers in constructional approaches to morphological analysis. In Gert Booij (ed.) The Construction of Words: Advances in Construction Morphology, 19-57. Cham: Springer.
Hasse, Anja. 2023. Stability of inflectional variation: The dative of the indefinite article in Zurich German. In Kristin Kopf and Thilo Weber (eds) Free Variation in Grammar: Empirical and theoretical approaches, 202-228. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/slcs.234.07has.
Hasse, Anja, Patrick Mächler & Sandro Bachmann. 2020. Genus- und Kasusprofilierung beim Schweizerdeutschen Definitartikel. In Helen Christen, Brigitte Ganswindt, Joachim Herrgen & Jürgen Erich Schmidt (eds) Regiolekt -- Der neue Dialekt? Akten des 6. Kongresses der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD)(Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik – Beihefte, volume 182), 249-267. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag
Hathout, Nabil & Fiammetta Namer. 2014. Discrepancy between form and meaning in word-formation: the case of over- and under-marking in French. In: Franz Rainer, Francesco Gardani, Hans Christian Luschützky & Wolfgang U. Dressler (eds) Morphology and Meaning: Selected papers from the 15th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, February 2012, 177-190. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Hippisley, Andrew. 2023. Suppletion. In Peter Ackema, Sabrina Bendjaballah, Eulàlia Bonet, and Antonio Fábregas (eds). The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology. John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781119693604.morphcom077.
Hyman, Larry M. 2009. How (not) to do phonological typology: The case of pitch-accent. In Michael J. Kenstowicz (ed.), Data and theory: Papers in phonology in celebration of Charles W. Kisseberth. Special issue of Language Sciences 31, 2-3. 213-128.Download PDF
Hyman, Larry M. 2011. In defense of Prosodic Typology: A Response to Beckman & Venditti. UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report (2011), 200-235. [Published as Hyman (2012)] doi: 10.5070/P79p4074p7.
Hyman, Larry M. 2012. In defense of Prosodic Typology: A Response to Beckman & Venditti. Linguistic Typology 16(3). 341-385. doi: 10.1515/lingty-2012-0014.
Igartua, Iván. 2015. From cumulative to separative exponence in inflection: Reversing the morphological cycle. Language 91(3). 676-722. doi: 10.1353/lan.2015.0032.
Jacques, Guillaume & Anton Antonov. 2014. Direct/Inverse Systems. Language and Linguistics Compass 8/7. 301–318. doi: 10.1111/lnc3.12079.
Kaye, Steven. 2015. Conjugation class from Latin to Romance: heteroclisis in diachrony and synchrony. PhD thesis, University of Oxford.
Koenig, Jean-Pierre & Karin Michelson. 2023. Semantic transparency and Oneida morphological parts of speech. Linguistics 61(1). 197-230. doi: 10.1515/ling-2021-0188.
Kwon, Nahyun. 2017. Total reduplication in Japanese ideophones: An exercise in Localized Canonical Typology. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2(1), 40. doi:
Kwon,Nahyun. 2019. Cross-linguistic variation in phonaesthemic canonicity, with special reference to Korean and English, In Kimi Akita and Prashant PardeshiK (eds) Ideophones, Mimetics, Expressives, 77–99. John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/ill.16.05kwo.
Kwon, Nahyun & Erich R. Round. 2015. Phonaesthemes in morphological theory. Morphology 25, 1-27. doi: 10.1007/s11525-014-9250-z
Luraghi, Silvia. 2015. From non-canonical to canonical agreement. In Fuzzy Boundaries. Festschrift für Antonio Loprieno I, Hans Amstutz, Andreas Dorn, Miriam V. Ronsdorf, Matthias Müller & Sami Uljas (eds.), 71-88. Hamburg:Widmaier.
Marinis, Michail I. 2025. On the morphology of toponyms: What Greek inflectional paradigms can teach us?. Transactions of the Philological Society.
Masini, Francesca and Simone Mattiola. 2022. Syntactic discontinuous reduplication with antonymic pairs: a case study from Italian. Linguistics 60(1): 315–345. doi: 10.1515/ling-2021-0225.
Menzel, Thomas. 2018. Kanonische morphologische Komplexität im Sorbischen. Lětopis Sorbisches Institut e.V., Bautzen; 65(2). 81-106. PDF
Menzel, Thomas. 2023. Komplexität und soziolinguistische Typologie in den Flexionssystemen des Sorbischen (Spisy Serbskeho instituta 71). Bautzen: Domowina.
Michael, Lev. 2014. The Nanti reality status system: Implications for the typological validity of the realis/irrealis contrast. Linguistic Typology 18(2). 251-288. doi: 10.1515/lingty-2014-0011.
Mörth, Karlheinz and Wolfgang U. Dressler. 2014. German plural doublets with and without meaning differentiation. In Franz Rainer, Francesco Gardani, Hans Christian Luschützky and Wolfgang U. Dressler (eds.), Morphology and meaning: Selected papers from the 15th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, February 2012 (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 327), 249-258. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Nichols, Johanna. 2015. Canonical head marking: Morphology in the relational parts of grammar. Paper presented at Surrey Linguistics Circle, University of Surrey, Guildford, 17 November 2015.
Nichols, Johanna. 2019. Why is gender so complex? Some typological considerations. In Francesca Di Garbo, Bruno Olsson & Bernhard Wälchli (eds.), Grammatical gender and linguistic complexity: Volume I: General issues and specific studies, 63–92. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3462760
Nichols, Johanna. 2019. Canonical tough cases. In Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond & Andrew Hippisley (eds), Morphological perspectives, 148-168. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Nikolaeva, Irina. 2013. Unpacking finiteness. In Dunstan Brown, Marina Chumakina & Greville G. Corbett (eds.) Canonical morphology and syntax, 99-122. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199604326.003.0005.
Nikolaeva, Irina. 2019. Focus as a morphosyntactic and morphosemantic feature. In Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond & Andrew Hippisley (eds), Morphological perspectives, 370-389. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Nikolaeva, Irina & Andrew Spencer. 2008. Nouns as Adjectives and Adjectives as Nouns. Ms. SOAS and University of Essex. Download PDF
Nikolaeva, Irina & Andrew Spencer. 2013. Possession and modification – a perspective from Canonical Typology. In Dunstan Brown, Marina Chumakina & Greville G. Corbett (eds.), Canonical morphology and syntax, 207-238. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199604326.003.0009.
Nikolaeva, Irina & Andrew Spencer. 2019. Mixed Categories: The Morphosyntax of Noun Modification (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, Series Number 164). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Nintemann, Julia, Maja Robbers & Nicole Hober. 2020. Here – Hither – Hence and Related Categories: A Cross-linguistic Study (Studia Typologica, 26). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. doi: 10.1515/9783110672640
Pacchiarotti, Sara. 2024. Caractéristiques 'non prototypiques' et fonctions non syntaxiques de la morphologie applicative: quelques nouvelles perspectives comparatives. In Dao Huy-Linh, Do-Hurinville Danh-Thành & Petit Daniel (eds) L'applicatif dans les langues: Regard typologique. Paris: Éditions de la Société de Linguistique de Paris.
Paciaroni, Tania. 2012. Noun inflection classes in Maceratese. In Sascha Gaglia & Marc-Olivier Hinzelin (eds.), Inflection and word formation in Romance languages, 231-270. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Paciaroni, Tania, Graziella Nolè & Michele Loporcaro. 2013. Persistenza del neutro nell’italo-romanzo centro-meridionale [Persistence of the neuter in central-southern Italo-Romance dialects]. Vox Romanica 72.88-137.
Palancar, Enrique L. 2012. The conjugation classes of Tilapa Otomi: An approach from canonical typology. Linguistics 50(4). 783-832. doi: 10.1515/ling-2012-0025 Download PDF
Palancar, Enrique L. 2015. A mixed system of agreement in the suffix classes of Lealao Chinantec. Morphology 25, 29–62. doi: 10.1007/s11525-014-9252-x
Palancar, Enrique L. 2019. Measuring the complexity of the stem alternation patterns of Spanish verbs. In Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond and Andrew Hippisley (eds), Morphological perspectives, 205-232. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Pellegrini, Matteo and Davide Ricca. 2019. An instance of productive overabundance: The plural of some Italian VN compounds. Word Structure 12(1). 94-126. doi: 10.3366/word.2019.0140.
Polinsky, Maria. 2003. Non-canonical agreement is canonical. In Dunstan Brown, Greville G. Corbett & Carole Tiberius (eds.) Agreement: A typological perspective. Special issue of Transactions of the Philological Society 101(2). 279-312.
Ratkus, Artūras. 2016. Features of the Gothic adjective, with special reference to determination. In: Ekaterina B. Jakovenko (ed.) Lingua Gotica: Novye issledovanija 3.103–115. Moscow: Institute of Linguistics, Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation
Reiner, Tabea. 2019. Variation in non-finiteness and temporality from a canonical perspective. In Antje Dammel & Oliver Schallert (eds) Morphological Variation: Theoretical and empirical perspectives [Studies in Language Companion Series 207], 283–310. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Reiner, Tabea. 2020. Thoughts on feature intersection. J. Audring, N. Koutsoukos & C. Manouilidou (Eds). MMM12 Online proceedings 2020, 92-97.:
Roncero, Kristian. 2024. Trapped between case and number: A typology of adnumerative forms. Studia Linguistica. (aop)
Round, Erich. 2019. Rara and theory testing in typology: The natural evolution of non-canonical agreement. In Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond and Andrew Hippisley (eds), Morphological perspectives, 414-446. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Round, Erich R. 2023. Canonical phonology and criterial conflicts: relating and resolving four dilemmas of phonological typology. Linguistic Typology 27(2). 267-287. doi: 10.1515/lingty-2022-0032.
Round, Erich R. & Greville G. Corbett. 2017. The theory of feature systems: One feature versus two for Kayardild tense-aspect-mood. Morphology 27.21-75. doi: 10.1007/s11525-016-9294-3.
Round, Erich & Greville G. Corbett. 2020. Comparability and measurement in typological science: the bright future for linguistics. Linguistic Typology 24.489–525. doi: 10.1515/lingty-2020-2060.
Sagot, Benoît & Géraldine Walther. 2011. Non-Canonical infection: Data, formalisation and complexity measures. In C. Mahlow & M. Piotrowski (eds.), SFCM 2011: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 100, 23-45. Berlin: Springer. Download PDF.
Santilli, Enzo. 2014. Italian comparatives: A case of overabundance? BA thesis: University of L’Aquila.
Scheilbl, György. 2021. Genus in Balance. Jahrbuch der ungarischen Germanistik 2020, 7-26.
Scheibl, György. 2019. Főnévi többes szám a németben: formák és funkciók. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat 6/2.131–144. doi: 10.14232/jeny.2019.2.10.
Scheibl, György. 2015. Grammatische-Regel-Konflikte. Eine kanonische Annäherung. Studia Linguistica34.151−195.
Seifart, Frank. 2005. The structure and use of shape-based noun classes in Miraña (North West Amazon). PhD thesis: Radboud University, Nijmegen.
Seifart, Frank. 2015. Direct and indirect affix borrowing. Language 91(3). 511-532. doi:10.1353/lan.2015.0044.
Siewierska, Anna & Dik Bakker. 2013. Passive agents: Prototypical vs. canonical passives. In Dunstan Brown, Marina Chumakina & Greville G. Corbett (eds.), Canonical morphology and syntax, 151-189. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sims, Andrea D. 2019. When the default is exceptional: Word stress in Modern Greek nouns. In And thus you are everywhere honored: Studies dedicated to Brian D. Joseph, 321-347. Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. Download pdf
Sims, Andrea D. 2023. Defectiveness. In Peter Ackema, Sabrina Bendjaballah, Eulàlia Bonet, and Antonio Fábregas (eds) The Wiley Blackwell companion to morphology. Wiley Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781119693604.morphcom022.
Spencer, Andrew. 2005. Extending deponency. In Matthew Baerman, Greville G. Corbett, Dunstan Brown & Andrew Hippisley (eds.), Deponency and morphological mismatches (Proceedings of the British Academy 145), 45-70. Oxford: British Academy and Oxford University Press.
Spencer, Andrew. 2019. Canonical compounds. In Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond and Andrew Hippisley (eds), Morphological perspectives, 31-64. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Spencer, Andrew & Ana Luís. 2013. The canonical clitic. In Dunstan Brown, Marina Chumakina & Greville G. Corbett (eds.), Canonical morphology and syntax, 123-150. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199604326.003.0006.
Štichauer, Pavel. 2019. Kanonická typologie a smíšené časování v románských jazycích [Canonical typology and mixed perfective auxiliation systems in Romance]. Časopis pro moderní filologii 101 (1). 21–39. PDF
Stolz, Thomas. 2018. (Non-)Canonical Reduplication. In: Aina Urdze (ed.) Non-Prototypical reduplication, 201–277. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Stolz, Thomas. 2018. Deiktische Antworten auf räumliche Fragen. In Angelika Wöllstein (ed.) Grammatiktheorie und Empirie in der germanistischen Linguistik. 309-330. Berlin: De Gruyter. DOI: 10.1515/9783110490992-011. PDF.
Stolz, Thomas. 2023. On co-plurals: Cross-linguistic evidence of competing pluralization strategies in the domain of nouns. In Deborah Arbes (Ed.), Number Categories: Dynamics, Contact, Typology, 107-154. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Stolz, Thomas & Nataliya Levkovych. 2019. Absence of material exponence: A newcomer to the domain of non-canonicity. STUF - Language Typology and Universals, 72(3). 373-400. doi:10.1515/stuf-2019-0015
Stolz, Thomas & Maja Robbers. 2016. Unorderly ordinals: On suppletion and related issues of ordinals in Europe and Mesoamerica. STUF 69(4). 565-594.
Stump, Gregory T. 2006. Heteroclisis and paradigm linkage. Language 82(2). 279-322. doi: 10.1353/lan.2006.0110.
Stump, Gregory T. 2007. A non-canonical pattern of deponency and its implications. In Matthew Baerman, Greville G. Corbett, Dunstan Brown & Andrew Hippisley (eds.), Deponency and morphological mismatches (Proceedings of the British Academy 145), 71-95. Oxford: British Academy and Oxford University Press.
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