
The Surrey Morphology Group organises a range of events, including talks from visiting speakers (Surrey Linguistics Circle) and workshops focusing on specific themes. To stay informed of upcoming events, please sign up to our mailing list.

Modelling areal convergence ranges of structural features in East African languages

Surrey Linguistics Circle

Modelling areal convergence ranges of structural features in East African languages

Miri Mertner
(University of Tübingen)

Open to all

Date: 22 May 2024
Time: 14:00 – 15:30


Computerized Forward Reconstruction: Past and Future Applications

Surrey Linguistics Circle

Computerized Forward Reconstruction: Past and Future Applications

Clayton Marr
(Ohio State University)

Open to all

Date: 05 Jun 2024
Time: 14:00 – 15:30


The linguist's bestiary: real and imaginary creatures in phonology

Surrey Linguistics Circle

The linguist's bestiary: real and imaginary creatures in phonology

Cormac Anderson
(University of Surrey)

Open to all

Date: 19 Jun 2024
Time: 14:00 – 15:30

Venue: 35AD02 and

Past events


  • Ancient languages and Algorithms: Demystifying new methods in historical linguistics, University of Oxford, 01 Aug05 Aug 2022. Abstract More information

  • Mutual Intelligibility: Language, Culture, Cognition, University of Surrey, Guildford, and online via Zoom, 24 Jun25 Jun 2021. More information

  • How language shapes thought: categorisation in the South Pacific, Michael Franjieh, Alexandra Grandison and Greville Corbett (University of Surrey), Hosted online as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science, 11 Nov 2020.

  • Verbal and nominal number colloquium, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, 09 Oct 2019. More information

  • ‘External’ agreement with unexpected targets, Leipzig University, 21 Aug 2019. Abstract More information

  • Non-canonicity in inflection, University of Surrey, Guildford, 21 Jun22 Jun 2019. More information

  • New Fields for Morphology, University of Surrey, 02 Nov03 Nov 2018. More information

  • 10th Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL10), University of Surrey, 04 May05 May 2018. More information

  • The Morphological Eye: SMG 25th Anniversary Workshop, University of Surrey, 08 Sep09 Sep 2017. More information

  • Loss of Inflection, San Antonio, Texas, 31 Jul04 Aug 2017. More information

  • Prominent Internal Possessors, SOAS, University of London, 22 Sep23 Sep 2016. More information

  • Gender and classifiers: Diachronic and synchronic variation, University of Surrey, Guildford, 28 Jan29 Jan 2016. More information

  • Gender and classifiers: Areal and genealogical perspectives, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, 26 Jan27 Jan 2015. More information

  • Lexical entries in Archi, University of Surrey, Guildford, 17 Mar 2014. More information

  • Inflectional morphology and verb classes in the Oto-Manguean languages of Mexico, University of Surrey, Guildford, 14 Mar 2014. More information

  • Gender and classifiers: Cross-linguistic perspectives, University of Surrey, Guildford, 17 Jan 2014. More information

  • The syntax–semantics interface in Archi, University of Surrey, Guildford, 25 Oct 2013. More information

  • Training workshop for native speaker linguists, San Cristóbal, Chiapas, Mexico, 08 Jul19 Jul 2013. More information

  • The conditions problem in Archi, University of Surrey, Guildford, 19 Apr 2013. More information

  • Computational approaches to morphological complexity, Maison de Recherche, Sorbonne, Paris, 22 Feb 2013.

  • South East Morphology Meeting – Morphophonology, University of Surrey, Guildford, 25 Jan 2013.

  • Inflectional classes in the languages of the Americas, Boston, Massachusetts, 06 Jan 2013. More information

  • The syntax–morphology interface in Archi, University of Surrey, Guildford, 01 Nov02 Nov 2012. More information

  • Dissemination workshop on Alor-Pantar languages, British Academy, London, 14 Sep 2012. More information

  • The lexical problem in Archi, University of Surrey, Guildford, 01 Jun 2012. More information

  • The domain problem in Archi, University of Surrey, Guildford, 02 Mar 2012. More information

  • Introductory seminar on Archi, University of Surrey, Guildford, 16 Jan 2012. More information


Surrey Linguistics Circle

  • It's a fair corpus, guv! Implementing CARE and FAIR principles in a large corpus of German Sign Language., Marc Schulder (University of Hamburg), 08 Nov 2022.

  • Productive identities spanning recurrent partials and whole wordforms, Louise Esher (CNRS LLACAN, Paris), 09 Nov 2022.

  • Word order and case marking in Bulgarian dialects, Alexander Krasovitsky (Universities of Oxford & Surrey), 25 Oct 2022.

  • Constraining the possibility space of analogical change, Dr Helen Sims-Williams (University of Surrey), 01 Nov 2022.

  • Open data: how do we get there, concretely?, Sacha Beniamine (SMG), 27 Sep 2022.

  • Comparative Andic dictionary database, George Moroz (Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, HSE University), 04 Oct 2022.

  • Affix Counterposition: A typology and a theoretical interpretation, Greg Stump (University of Kentucky), 15 Nov 2022.

  • Data mining defectives, Dunstan Brown (York) presenting joint work with Yu-Ying Chuang (Tübingen), Roger Evans (Brighton) and Harald Baayen (Tübingen) (), 01 Mar 2022. Abstract

  • Explaining redundant morphology through evolutionary dynamics: evidence from Yam and Kartvelian, Matthew Carroll (ANU), 08 Mar 2022.

  • Dynamic Syntax, Process and Interaction: Escaping the Stranglehold of Encodingism, Ruth Kempson (King's College London), 22 Mar 2022. Abstract

  • Modelling lexical processing with linear mappings, R. Harald Baayen (University of Tübingen), 29 Mar 2022. Abstract

  • Gender lender: Noun borrowings between Jingulu and Mudburra in northern Australia, Felicity Meakins (University of Queensland), 05 Apr 2022.

  • Experimental evidence for cognitive biases in morphological learning., Jennifer Culbertson (Centre for Language Evolution, University of Edinburgh), 03 May 2022.

  • Exploring inflectional uncertainty through responses to defective and overabundant slots, Neil Bermel (University of Sheffield), 10 May 2022. Abstract

  • Negation and Negative Concord in Georgian Sign Language, Roland Pfau (University of Amsterdam), 17 May 2022. Abstract

  • The phonological word in polysynthetic languages: Evidence from stress, Benjamin Molineaux (University of Edinburgh), 24 May 2022.

  • Linking morphologies: Inflectional and derivational resources for Latin in the LiLa Knowledge Base, Matteo Pellegrini (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), 31 May 2022. Abstract

  • Topicality is epiphenomenal: the interactional sources of aboutness effects, Pavel Ozerov (University of Münster), 07 Jun 2022.

  • Manner/result polysemy in Daakaka: Complex verbal paradigms and their implications for the distribution of root meaning, Jens Hopperdietzel (University of Manchester), 23 Nov 2021.

  • A canonical look at overabundance in English verbs: Form, meaning and frequency, Jeff Parker (Brigham Young University), 30 Nov 2021.

  • Information distributions in language: Investigating optimality and adaptation across levels and contexts, Christine Cuskley (University of Newcastle), 07 Dec 2021.

  • The Agreement Hierarchy: Updating the typology of controllers , Greville Corbett (University of Surrey), 16 Nov 2021.

  • Insights into Dinka noun number morphology, Mirella Blum (University of Edinburgh), 09 Nov 2021.

  • Can analogy account for the Seri verb?, Helen Sims-Williams, (Edinburgh), Jeremy Pasquereau (Poitiers) & Matthew Baerman (Surrey) (), 02 Nov 2021.

  • Asymmetries in Affixation: Morphology Attaches, Phonology Binds, Hilary Wynne (University of Oxford), 26 Oct 2021.

  • Argument structure and morphological verb types in sign languages., Vadim Kimmelman (University of Bergen), 19 Oct 2021.

  • Internal-external splits: what they tell us, Greville Corbett (Surrey Morphology Group), 11 Dec 2020. Abstract

  • Nominal possessors and verbal plurality in Seri, Matthew Baerman & Jérémy Pasquereau (Surrey Morphology Group), 01 Jun 2021.

  • An HPSG approach to Kazakh Auxiliary Verbs, Dávid Győrfi (Surrey Morphology Group), 13 Aug 2020.

  • Gender: New Horizons, Greville Corbett (Surrey Morphology Group), 14 Jul 2020.

  • Exponence in Papuan Languages, Matthew Carroll (Australian National University), 13 May 2020.

  • Non canonical case or something else? On the morphological forms of nouns in Berber, Aicha Belkadi (SOAS, University of London), 12 Feb 2020.

  • Inflection vs. derivation in the early Slavonic aspect system, Hanne Eckhoff (University of Oxford), 30 Jan 2020.

  • Simulating paradigm evolution: analogical change and morphomic patterns, Sacha Beniamine (MPI Jena), 22 Jan 2020.

  • State/change of state polysemy and the lexical semantics of property concept lexemes, Andrew Koontz-Garboden (University of Manchester), 14 Jan 2020.

  • Kambaata negative participles: (almost) perfect verb-adjective hybrids, Yvonne Treis (LLACAN, CNRS), 27 Nov 2019.

  • Aspectual categories in Kipchak Turkic auxiliary verb constructions, Dávid Győrfi (Surrey Morphology Group), 31 Oct 2019.

  • Inflectional relations, Eric Rosen (Johns Hopkins University), 29 Aug 2019.

  • On the nature of causes of language change: data from Greek systems in contact, Michalis Marinis (University of Patras & University of Surrey), 02 Jul 2019.

  • Variation in Vatlongos subject-indexing prefixes, Eleanor Ridge (Massey University), 11 Apr 2019. Abstract

  • Andi verb morphology: when does the root begin and end?, Neige Rochant (École Normale Supérieure – Paris), 05 Mar 2019.

  • Optimal Categorisation: the origin and nature of gender from a psycholinguistic perspective, Grev Corbett, Ally Grandison, Mike Franjieh (University of Surrey), 06 Dec 2018.

  • External agreement: setting the scene, Marina Chumakina, Steven Kaye, Oliver Bond (University of Surrey), 06 Nov 2018.

  • Reported speech in Dargwa, Nina Sumbatova (Russian State University for the Humanities), 30 Oct 2018.

  • Case loss in Bulgarian and Macedonian: Two faces of contact-induced language change, Max Wahlström (University of Helsinki), 18 Sep 2018.

  • Complex Cell-mates: Measuring complexity across single and multiple variables in situations of language contact, Felicity Meakins (University of Queensland), 11 Sep 2018.

  • Learning complex inflectional paradigms through blended gradient inputs, Eric Rosen (Johns Hopkins University), 30 Aug 2018.

  • Notes on the morphology of Loxodumau, an Oceanic language of PNG, Lidia F. Mazzitelli (University of Cologne), 03 May 2018.

  • Event plurality in Seri, Jérémy Pasquereau (University of Surrey), 12 Apr 2018.

  • Form and function in the morphosyntax of Shilluk transitive verbs, Bert Remijsen (University of Edinburgh), 20 Feb 2018.

  • Leaky phonology and language design, Bob Ladd (University of Edinburgh), 11 Jan 2018.

  • The loss of gender in Swedish and English, Briana Van Epps (Lund University), 13 Nov 2017.

  • Phonological phylogenetics, Erich Round (University of Queensland), 18 Oct 2017.

  • Gender assignment in Jamtlandic and Scandinavian, Briana Van Epps (Lund University), 21 Sep 2017.

  • (Deictic-)Associated Motion/Directional morphology and aspect in the Koman languages, Manuel Otero (University of Oregon), 26 Jul 2017.

  • A study of Nuer verbs: reporting on data collection in Kenya, Tatiana Reid (University of Surrey), 18 Jul 2017.

  • Variable affix sequencing in Murrinhpatha, Chintang and Tagalog, John Mansfield (University of Melbourne), 07 Jun 2017.

  • Lexical splits and inflectional periphrasis in Romance, Pavel Štichauer (Charles University, Prague), 09 May 2017.

  • Distributed exponence in Ngkolmpu and beyond, Matt Carroll (Surrey Morphology Group), 25 Apr 2017.

  • The Animacy Hierarchy revisited, Greville Corbett (University of Surrey), 21 Feb 2017.

  • One system or two? Reflections on variation and coherence in a single system of nominal classification, Ruth Singer (University of Melbourne), 13 Dec 2016. Abstract

  • Metathesis in Amarasi, Owen Edwards (ANU), 13 Dec 2016. Abstract

  • Strategies for visualizing linguistic information, Chris Culy (Consultant for Visualization of Language and Linguistic Data), 01 Dec 2016.

  • Overabundance in Zürich German, Anja Hasse (University of Zürich), 18 Oct 2016.

  • Reappraising comparison in linguistics: A view from neighbouring disciplines, Erich Round (University of Queensland), 09 Aug 2016. Abstract

  • Periphrasis in Bulgarian (and elsewhere), Andrew Spencer (University of Essex), 08 Feb 2016.

  • Computer tools for computational morphology, Raphael Finkel (University of Kentucky), 25 Jan 2016.

  • Overabundance: An overview, Anna M. Thornton (University of L’Aquila, Italy), 02 Dec 2015.

  • Web solutions and research tools for linguists, Edward Garrett (SOAS, University of London), 01 Dec 2015.

  • Canonical head marking: Morphology in the relational parts of grammar, Johanna Nichols (UC Berkeley), 17 Nov 2015.

  • Internal possessor prominence in Chimane, Sandy Ritchie (SOAS, University of London), 27 Oct 2015.

  • The exception that proves the rule: Markedness and defaults in stem selection in Ngkolmpu, Matthew Carroll (ANU, Canberra), 30 Sep 2015.

  • Passives, reflexives and impersonals in Catalan Sign Language, Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (CNRS & Université Paris-8), 27 Aug 2015.

  • Referential density and reference tracking in Mian, Sebastian Fedden (University of Sydney), 14 Jul 2015.

  • Independent person marking in Romance languages. Synchronic paradigm structure and diachronic development from Latin, Chiara Cappellaro (St John's College, Oxford University), 18 Feb 2015.

  • The structure of metathesis in Amarasi, Owen Edwards (ANU, Canberra), 27 Nov 2014.

  • Why bother doing linguistics? What the Hoava VP tells us., Bill Palmer (University of Newcastle, NSW), 29 Oct 2014.

  • Is there a signed passive? Evidence from Catalan and Italian Sign Language., Gemma Barberà & Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (UMR 7023, CNRS & Paris-8), 01 Jul 2014.

  • What zero subjects can mean, Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (UMR 7023, CNRS & Paris-8), 13 May 2014.

  • Modelling Non-Canonical Inflection in Ngkolmpu: A Yam Family Language of Southern New Guinea, Matthew Carroll (ANU, Canberra), 08 May 2014.

  • Non-finites and their agreement in Udmurt and other Finno-Ugric languages., Ekaterina Georgieva (University of Szeged), 08 Apr 2014.

  • Realis, focus, and existential closure, Irina Nikolaeva (SOAS, University of London), 02 Apr 2014.

  • Preverbs and bi-partite stems in Lezgic languages : semantic functions, syntactic correlates and productivity, Gilles Authier (L'École Pratique des Hautes Études), 01 Apr 2014.

  • Spanish infinitives borrowed into Zapotec, analyzed as falling into a native light verb construction, Rosemary Beam (UNAM, Mexico City), 12 Mar 2014.

  • The exuberant tonal system of San Marcos Zacatepec Eastern Chatino, Anthony Woodbury (University of Texas at Austin), 12 Mar 2014.

  • Allocutivity: towards a canonical approach to the encoding of a non-argumental addressee, Anton Antonov (INALCO/CRLAO (UMR 8563), CNRS, Paris), 26 Feb 2014.

  • A typology of Bantu subject inversion, Lutz Marten (SOAS, University of London), 24 Feb 2014.

  • The performance of STRUCTURE on linguistic datasets, and 'researcher degrees of freedom', Erich Round (University of Queensland), 11 Feb 2014.

  • Morphologically-motivated phonological change in Modern Aramaic, Bob Hoberman (Stony Brook University), 15 Jan 2014.

  • Inflectional allomorphy in Seri, Matthew Baerman (University of Surrey), 27 Nov 2013.

  • The Circassian languages – phonetic details and typological conclusions, Ludger Paschen (University of Bochum), 13 Nov 2013.

  • Enindhilyakwa (Australia) noun categorization systems: noun classes, gender and verb-incorporated generics, Marie-Elaine Van Egmond (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald), 24 Oct 2013.

  • The temporal interpretation of modals in SENĆOŦEN and Hul'q'umi'num, Claire Turner (University of British Columbia), 27 Aug 2013.

  • R(eference)-impersonals in Mauritian Creole, Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (CNRS UMR 7023 SFL / Université Paris 8), 05 Jun 2013.

  • Comparing what isn't there: Distribution and interpretation of null subjects, Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (CNRS UMR 7023 SFL / Université Paris 8), 14 May 2013.

  • Going for plural: the piecemeal emergence of a fourth number value in Nen, Nicholas Evans (ANU), 03 May 2013.

  • Reconstructing elements of early human language, Tania Kuteva, Bernd Heine and Gunther Kattenbock (Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf), 05 Mar 2013.

  • The lexical semantics of nouns and adjectives and variation in property concepts, Andrew Koontz-Garboden (University of Manchester), 19 Feb 2013.

  • Defaults and discreteness in morphology, Mark Aronoff (Stony Brook University), 24 Oct 2012.

  • Causative – Applicative interactions in Kipsigis: implications for the Mirror Principle, Maria Kouneli (University of Leipzig), 22 Nov 2022.

  • Formal and substantive universals across language modules, Thomas Graf (Stony Brook University), 31 Jan 2023.

  • From New Guinea to Ascoli Piceno: suppletion and lexeme splits with enclitic possessives in Italo-Romance, Michele Loporcaro (University of Zurich), 07 Feb 2023.

  • Morphological exponence from the hearer's perspective: theory and typology, Mae Carroll (ANU), 20 Feb 2023.

  • Predicting longitudinal sound change with an agent-based computational model: evidence from /s/-retraction in Australian English, Jonathan Harrington (University of Munich), 14 Mar 2023.

  • Agreement, zero-morphology and grammaticalising periphrastic constructions in Old English, Bozhil Hristov (University of Sofia), 28 Mar 2023.

  • Paradigm shift? Variation and change in Pitjantjatjara verbal morphology, Sasha Wilmoth (University of Melbourne), 04 Apr 2023.

  • Estonian spatial cases as argument markers, Mari Aigro (University of Tartu), 18 Apr 2023.

  • Defectiveness: a socio-morphological phenomenon?, Maria Copot (Université Paris Cité), 02 May 2023.

  • From Speaking to Grammar: hypo- and hyper-specification continua., Miriam Voghera (University of Salerno), 23 May 2023.

  • Phonological Pertinacity: Change & Processing, Aditi Lahiri (University of Oxford), 30 May 2023. Abstract

  • Interpredictability in Ket Derivational Paradigms, Matthew Carter (University of California San Diego), 06 Jun 2023.

  • Notes on Morphological Defectivity, Kyle Gorman (CUNY), 18 Oct 2023.

  • Conditional entropy as an evaluation metrics of morphological analyses: comparing stem-based and word-based approaches, Matteo Pellegrini (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), 01 Nov 2023.

  • Reconstructing the Syntax of Proto-Indo-European, Danny Bate (University of Edinburgh), 08 Nov 2023.

  • Progressive to negation and other unanticipated morphological developments., Shuan Karim (University of Cambridge), 14 Feb 2024.

  • Less is more. Exploring overabundance in minoritised Slavic languages, Kristian Roncero (LMU Munich – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), 19 Feb 2024.

  • Language as shaped by cognition: The case of redundant morphology, Shira Tal (University of Edinburgh), 28 Feb 2024.

  • Morphological variety - and similarity - in the Italic languages, Nick Zair (University of Cambridge), 20 Mar 2024.

  • Diachrony of word formation patterns in Iwaidja, Rob Mailhammer (Western Sydney University), 27 Mar 2024. Abstract

  • tbc, Jules Bouton (CNRS-Paris), 12 Jun 2024.
