25th Anniversary Workshop
Call for papers - now closed
The Morphological Eye: SMG 25th Anniversary Workshop
University of Surrey, 8-9 September 2017
(between the LAGB and SLE)
Keynote speakers:
Mark Aronoff, Nick Evans, Martin Maiden, Andrew Spencer
In 2017, the Surrey Morphology Group (SMG) celebrates 25 years of research. The SMG is a research centre dedicated to language diversity and its theoretical consequences, combining the investigation of grammatical categories in a wide variety of languages with explicit formal and statistical frameworks for expressing typological and theoretical generalizations. At the heart of this work is the study of morphology: the typology of possible words and the principles that govern both the relationships of forms to each other, and to the rest of grammar. This has meant taking a morphocentric approach to language, treating morphology not as a by-product or (merely) an interface between modules, but as a vantage point in its own right.
To mark this anniversary the SMG is organizing a two-day workshop. This will be an opportunity to reflect, and glance backwards, but mainly to look forwards. We therefore invite contributions in all areas of morphology, especially those which suggest future challenges, new approaches and innovative techniques. We especially welcome papers which take morphological phenomena as a viewpoint for looking out into other areas of linguistics.
One page anonymous abstracts please, attached to an email with your details, to smg@surrey.ac.uk, by Monday March 13. Queries about the workshop can be sent to this email too. Given the level of interest shown when we announced the dates, we expect the slots for talks to be short.
We plan a ‘warm-up’ on the evening of Thursday 7 September, for those who arrive the night before, a full day on Friday 8 September, and an early afternoon finish on Saturday 9 September.