From competing theories to fieldwork: The challenge of an extreme agreement system
Oliver Bond, Greville G. Corbett, Marina Chumakina & Dunstan Brown (eds.). 2016. Archi: Complexities of agreement in cross-theoretical perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bond, Oliver & Marina Chumakina. 2016. Agreement domains and targets. In Oliver Bond, Greville G. Corbett, Marina Chumakina & Dunstan Brown (eds.), Archi: Complexities of agreement in cross-theoretical perspective, 43-76. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bond, Oliver, Greville G. Corbett & Marina Chumakina. 2016. Introduction. In Oliver Bond, Greville G. Corbett, Marina Chumakina & Dunstan Brown (eds.), Archi: Complexities of agreement in cross-theoretical perspective, 1-16. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chumakina, Marina & Oliver Bond. 2016.Competing controllers and agreement potential. In Oliver Bond, Greville G. Corbett, Marina Chumakina & Dunstan Brown (eds.), Archi: Complexities of agreement in cross-theoretical perspective, 77-117. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chumakina, Marina, Oliver Bond & Greville G. Corbett. 2016. Essentials of Archi grammar. In Oliver Bond, Greville G. Corbett, Marina Chumakina & Dunstan Brown (eds.), Archi: Complexities of agreement in cross-theoretical perspective, 17-42. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chumakina, Marina. 2015. Archi. In Peter O. Müller, Ingeborg Ohnheiser, Susan Olsen & Franz Rainer (eds), Word formation: An international handbook of the languages of Europe (Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science, HSK40). Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
Chumakina, Marina & Greville G. Corbett. 2015. Gender number marking in Archi: Small is complex. In Matthew Baerman, Dunstan Brown & Greville G. Corbett (eds), Understanding and measuring morphological complexity, 93-116. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
. 2015. Morphosyntactic complexity: A typology of lexical splits. Language 91, 1: 145-193.
Chumakina, Marina. 2014. Семантическое согласование в арчинском языке [Semantic agreement in Archi]. In Plungyan V.A. et al (eds), Язык. Константы. Переменные. Памяти Александра Евгеньевича Кибрика [Language. Constants. Variables. In memoriam of A.E. Kibrik], 454-470. St Petersburg: Aleteya. [in Russian]
Corbett, Greville G. (ed.). 2014. The expression of gender (The Expression of Cognitive Categories, 6). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Corbett, Greville G. 2014. Gender typology. In Greville G. Corbett (ed.). The expression of gender, 87-130. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Baerman, Mathew & Greville G. Corbett. 2013. Person by other means. In Dik Bakker & Martin Haspelmath (eds), Languages across boundaries: Studies in memory of Anna Siewierska, 1-14. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Corbett, Greville G. 2013. The unique challenge of the Archi paradigm. In Chundra Cathcart, Shinae Kang, & Clare S. Sandy (eds), Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Special Session on Languages of the Caucasus, 52-67. Chicago: Chicago Linguistgics Society.
Corbett, Greville G. & B. George Hewitt. 2013. Aleksandr Kibrik: An appreciation. Linguistic Typology 17, 3: 516-517.
Invited presentations
Сorbett, Greville G. 16 October 2014. Morphosyntactic complexity: A typology of lexical splits. Invited paper at Cambridge Linguistic Society, University of Cambridge.
Сorbett, Greville G. 22 September 2014. Morphosyntactic complexity 1: Lexical splits (the view from canonical typology). Invited paper at the Linguistics Colloquium, University of California,Berkeley.
Corbett, Greville. 31 July 2014. Agreement: How far does it go? Invited paper at the workshop “Defining and mapping agreement”, King’s Manor, York.
Brown, Dunstan & Marina Chumakina. 10 May 2014. Rethinking adposition agreement: The Archi postposition eq'en. Invited paper at “Rethinking Comparative Syntax (ReCoS)”, Cambridge, May 9-10.
Сorbett, Greville G. 26 June 2014. Conditions on inflection. Invited paper at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.
Сorbett, Greville G. 19 March 2014. Zero morphology. Keynote lecture at the Linguistisches Kolloquium “The concept of zero in modern linguistics”. University of Bremen.
Brown, Dunstan & Marina Chumakina. February 12, 2014. Understanding Middle Distance Agreement: The Archi postposition eq’en. Invited paper to the SELLL Linguistics Seminar Series, Newcastle University.
Corbett, Greville G. 12 September 2013. The syntax-morphology interface: the significance of split lexemes. Invited paper at the first international symposium Morphology and its interfaces, Université of Lille 3, 12 September 2013.
Corbett, Greville G. 21 June 2013. Morphomes for typologists. Invited paper. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.
Corbett, Greville G. 24 May 2013. Paradigms: How we represent them and what we mean. Invited paper, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow.
Corbett, Greville G. 21-23 May 2013: Set of lectures at the National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Moscow. 1. A typological perspective on features. 2. The penumbra of morphosyntactic features. 3. Lexical splits and complex morphology.
Corbett, Greville G. 8 May 2013. The hidden complexity of the Archi paradigm. Invited lecture at the University of Salford, 8 May 2013.
Corbett, Greville G. Paradigms: interesting, complex and difficult to represent. Invited lecture at University of Zurich, 23 April 2013.
Corbett, Greville G. Course of nine lectures on Canonical Typology for the Doctoral Programme in Linguistics, University of Zurich, 25-26 February and 22-23 April 2013.
Corbett, Greville G. 7 March 2013. Paradigms: Representation and meaning. Invited paper at the symposium “Paradigm change in historical reconstruction: The Transeurasian languages and beyond”, University of Mainz, 7-8 March 2013.
Corbett, Greville G. 2 February 2013. The shape of the Archi agreement paradigm. Invited paper at the Workshop “Agreement in discourse”, University of Bamberg, 31 January – 3 February 2013. Bamberg.
Chumakina, Marina. 11 December 2012. Agreement in Archi. Invited talk at the Linguistics Department, School of Oriental and African Studies.
Brown, Dunstan & Marina Chumakina. 29 November 2012. The Archi agreeing postposition. Invited talk to the Edinburgh Linguistic Circle.
Chumakina, Marina. 28 November 2012. Archi. Invited talk at the University of Harvard.
Chumakina, Marina. 27 September 2012. Data collection. Invited lecture at ELDP capacity building training, Tomsk, Russia; September 22-29 2012.
Chumakina, Marina. 27 September 2012. Corpus Creation. Invited lecture at ELDP capacity building training, Tomsk, Russia; September 22-29 2012.
Corbett, Greville G. 14 June 2012. Gender and language: Why it’s unique and why it’s not. Keynote lecture at “Changing Habits of Speaking and Thinking”; Third Summer School of the Marie CurieInitial Training Network “Language, Gender and Cognition”, Postdam, 14-20 June 2012.
Baerman, Matthew & Greville G. Corbett. 27 April 2012. Person by other means. Anna Siewierska Memorial Workshop. Invited lecture, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.
Corbett, Greville G. 29 May 2012. Number splits and morphological complexity. Invited paper at Oxmorph 3: Workshop on The Morphological Expression of Number. Trinity College, University of Oxford.
Corbett, Greville G. 22 February 2012. Morphological complexity and possible words. Invited lecture at the Bristol Centre for Linguistics at the University of the West of England.
Corbett, Greville G. 24 January 2012. What do paradigms look like (and why care anyway)? Invited paper at the Linguistics Department, School of Oriental and African Studies.
Borsley, Robert. 4 September 2014. HPSG and Archi agreement. Paper presented at the themed session "Extreme agreement: Answers to the Archi challenge" at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting 2014, The Queen's College, University of Oxford, 1-5 September 2014.
Brown, Dunstan & Peter Sells. 4 September 2014. The correlation of agreement domains and phrase structure: The Archi perspective on different frameworks. Paper presented at the themed session "Extreme agreement: answers to the Archi challenge" at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting 2014, The Queen's College, University of Oxford, 1-5 September 2014.
Chumakina, Marina & Greville G. Corbett. 4 September 2014.. Setting the scene: Agreement in Archi. Paper presented at the themed session "Extreme agreement: Answers to the Archi challenge" at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting 2014, The Queen's College, University of Oxford, 1-5 September 2014.
Polinsky, Maria, Nina Radkevich & Marina Chumakina. 4 September 2014. Agreement between arguments in Archi? Paper presented at the themed session "Extreme agreement: Answers to the Archi challenge" at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting 2014, The Queen's College, University of Oxford, 1-5 September 2014.
Sadler, Louisa. 4 September 2014. Agreement in Archi: An LFG perspective. Paper presented at the themed session "Extreme agreement: Answers to the Archi challenge" at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting 2014, The Queen's College, University of Oxford, 1-5 September 2014.
Brown, Dunstan & Norman Yeo. 31 July 2014. Dimensions of variation from the canonical: An empirical investigation. Paper presented at Agreement 2014: Defining and mapping agreement, University of York, 31 July 2014.
Corbett, Greville G. 31 May 2014. Inflection classes and orthogonal conditions. Paper at the Workshop “Synchrony and Diachrony of Inflectional Classes: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations” at the 16th International Morphology Meeting, Budapest, 29 May 29 to 1 June 2014.
Corbett, Greville G. 6 June 2014. Inflection classes and orthogonal conditions. Paper at the Workshop “Dependencies among Systems of Language” (organized by the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics), Ardennes, Belgium, 4-7 June 2014.
Borsley, Robert D. 4 January 2014. Biabsolutives and the nature of agreement in Archi: An HPSG perspective. Paper read at the 88th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Minneapolis. 2-5 January 2014.
Chumakina, Marina. 4 January 2014. Archi biabsolutives: An overview. Paper read at the 88th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Minneapolis. 2-5 January 2014.
Polinsky, Maria & Nina Radkevich. 4 January 2014. Biabsolutives in Archi: A minimalist view. Paper read at the 88th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Minneapolis. 2-5 January 2014.
Sadler, Louisa. 4 January 2014. An LFG view of Archi biabsolutive clauses. Paper read at the 88th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Minneapolis. 2-5 January 2014.
Chumakina, Marina. 20 September 2013. Biabsolutives in Archi and DSM. Paper at read the 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Split. 18-21 September 2013.
Corbett, Greville G. 20 September 2013. Paradigm conventions. Paper at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Split. 18-21 September 2013.
Corbett, Greville G. 16 September 2013. The typology of conditions on inflection. Paper at the 9th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Center for Advanced Academic Studies, Dubrovnik, 15-18 September 2013.
Bond, Oliver & Marina Chumakina. 2013. Attributives in Archi: A mixed category with multiple bases. Poster presented at the 9th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 16 September 2013.
Corbett, Greville G. 31 August 2013. Two dimensions of generalization for inflectional morphology. Paper read at the Workshop on Comparative Morphology and Morphological Theory at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, SOAS, 28-31 August 2013.
Chumakina, Marina. 19 August 2013. Temporal vs aspectual characteristics of Archi synthetic predicates. Paper presented at the workshop Tense, aspect, modality and evidentiality in Nakh-Daghestanian languages adjacent to the 10th Biennial Meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Leipzig 15-18 August 2013.
Corbett, Greville G. 18 August 2013. Lexical splits and ‘complete typologies’. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Leipzig 15-18 August 2013.
Chumakina, Marina & Dunstan Brown. 15 August 2013. Middle distance agreement in Archi: a Typological niche. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Leipzig 15-18 August 2013.
Chumakina, Marina & Greville G. Corbett. 11 February 2012. Distributing paradigm types across the lexicon in Archi. Paper read at the 15th International Morphology Meeting, 9-12 February 2012.
Chumakina, Marina & Dunstan Brown. 25 January 2012. Middle distance agreement in Archi. Talk at the Southeast Morphology Meeting (SEMM) on Morphophonology, University of Surrey, Guildford.
Chumakina, Marina & Greville G. Corbett. 13 January 2012. Gender-number marking in Archi: Small is complex. Paper read at the Conference on Morphological Complexity. London, 13-15 January 201
Project members
Prof Greville G. Corbett
Prof Dunstan Brown (University of York)
Prof Bob Borsley (University of Essex)
Prof Maria Polinsky (University of Maryland)
Prof Louisa Sadler (University of Essex)
Dr Marina Chumakina
Dr Oliver Bond
Period of award:
January 2012 - June 2015
Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)