Combining gender and classifiers in natural language
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 2018. New approaches to the typology of gender. In: Sebastian Fedden, Jenny Audring and Greville G. Corbett (eds) Non-canonical gender systems, 9-35. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fedden, Sebastian, Jenny Audring and Greville G. Corbett (eds) 2018. Non-canonical gender systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Feist, Timothy. Forthcoming. Reference tracking: is it a function of nominal classification?
Fedden, Sebastian and Greville G. Corbett. 2017. Understanding intra-system dependencies: Classifiers in Lao. In: Nick Enfield (ed.) Dependencies in Language, 171-179. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.573782
Fedden, Sebastian and Greville G. Corbett. 2017. Gender and classifiers in concurrent systems Refining the typology of nominal classification. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 2(1): 34. 1–47. DOI: 10.5334/gjgl.177
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 2016. Canonical gender. Journal of Linguistics 52(3), 495–531. DOI: 10.1017/S0022226715000195
Feist, Timothy. 2015. A grammar of Skolt Saami. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura (Finno-Ugrian Society).
Corbett, Greville G. 2015. Features in inflection. In: Matthew Baerman (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Inflection, 35–46. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Corbett, Greville G. 2015. Hybrid nouns and their complexity. In: Jürg Fleischer, Elisabeth Rieken and Paul Widmer (eds.) Agreement from a Diachronic Perspective (Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs), 191–214. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Corbett, Greville G. (ed.). 2014. The expression of gender (The expression of cognitive categories, Vol 6). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Corbett, Greville G. 2014. Gender typology. In Greville G. Corbett (ed.), The expression of gender (The expression of cognitive categories, Vol 6), 87–130. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.573782.
Fedden, Sebastian and Dunstan Brown. 2014. Participant marking: Corpus study and video elicitation. In Marian Klamer (ed.), The Alor-Pantar languages: History and typology, 413–456. Berlin: Language Science Press. Online:
Fedden, Sebastian, Dunstan Brown, František Kratochvíl, Laura C. Robinson and Antoinette Schapper. 2014. Variation in pronominal indexing: Lexical stipulation vs. referential properties in the Alor-Pantar languages. Studies in Language 38(1), 44–79.
Van den Heuvel, Wilco and Sebastian Fedden. 2014. Greater Awyu and Greater Ok: Inheritance or contact? Oceanic Linguistics 53(1), 1–35.
Brown, Dunstan, Greville G. Corbett, Sebastian Fedden, Andrew Hippisley and Paul Marriott. 2013. Grammatical typology and frequency analysis: Number availability and number use. Journal of Language Modelling 1(2), 227–241.
Invited presentations
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 4 January 2017. Nominal classification: New perspectives from Canonical Typology. Invited lecture at ConSOLE XXV (The 25th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe), University of Leipzig, 4-6 January 2017
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 8 December 2016.The typology of nominal classification: Australian perspectives and a Canonical Typology approach. Invited plenary lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 7-9 December 2016.
Corbett, Greville G., Erich R. Round and Sebastian Fedden. 19 August 2016. The typology of features: what we learn from simple and concurrent systems. Plenary talk at Syntax of the World’s Languages 7, Palacio de la Autonomía, Mexico City, 17-19 August 2016. [presented by Greville G. Corbett]
Corbett, Greville G. 20-24 June 2016. Cagliari. Course of five lectures on Morphology at the Summer School in Languages and Linguistics of the Mediterranean, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Sardinia, 13-24 June 2016.
Fedden, Sebastian. 27 May 2016. Aspect in Mian and other Papuan languages. Invited talk in the Papuanist Tense Workshop, ARC Centre of Excellency for the Dynamics of Language (CoEDL), Australian National University, Canberra, 27 May 2016.
Fedden, Sebastian and Greville G. Corbett. 14 May 2016. A new approach to gender and classifier systems: Evidence from Austronesian and Papuan languages. Plenary talk at the 8th Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL8), SOAS, London, 14 May 2016.
Feist, Timothy. 27 April 2016. Morphological complexity in Skolt Saami, an endangered Finno-Ugric language. Invited talk presented to the Cambridge Endangered Languages and Cultures Group (CELC), University of Cambridge.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 20 November 2015. Canonical, complex, concurrent. Invited paper at the Workshop: “Grammatical Gender and Linguistic Complexity”. Stockholm University, 20–21 November 2015.
Fedden, Sebastian. 19 October 2015. Aspect in Mian and other Papuan languages. Invited talk at the Newcastle Linguistics Seminar Series, The University of Newcastle, Australia.
Corbett, Greville G. 19th October 2015. Lexical splits: their surprising typology. Invited lecture (Semestereröffnungstalk) at the Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 26 September 2015. Features, orthogonality, typology. Invited lecture at the Società di Linguistica Italiana, University of Malta, 24-26 September 2015.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 2 September 2015. New approaches to the typology of gender. Invited paper at the Workshop “Non-canonical gender systems” at the Societas Linguistica Europaea 48th Annual Meeting, Leiden University, 2–5 September 2015.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 2 July 2015. Canonicity and categorization. Categories in Grammar – Criteria and Limitation. Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 2–4 July 2015.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 20 June 2015. Gender: canonical and non-canonical systems. Workshop – 'Morphological variation and contact'. University of Patras. 19-20 June 2015.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 25 March 2015. A canonical approach to co-occurring systems. Invited paper at the ‘Workshop on Canonical Typology’, University of Hamburg, Germany.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 22 January 2015. Multiple categorization: the case of Mian. Invited paper at The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 24 September 2014. Morphosyntactic complexity 3: GENDER (the view from Canonical Typology). University of California, Berkeley.
Corbett, Greville. 31 July 2014. Agreement: how far does it go? Workshop – 'Defining and mapping agreement', King's Manor, York.
Corbett, Greville G. 9 October 2013. Why can't words make up their minds? Inaugural lecture in the Distinguished Speakers series. University of Leeds.
Feist, Timothy. 16 September 2016. The reference tracking role of nominal classification systems. Presented at the 46th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM16), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 15–17 September 2016.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 20 February 2016. One system or two? A Canonical Typology approach. 17th International Morphology Meeting (IMM17), Vienna, 18–21 February 2016.
Feist, Timothy. 28 January 2016. Keeping track of discourse participants: Just how helpful are gender and classifiers? Presented at workshop ‘Gender and Classifiers: Diachronic and synchronic variation’, University of Surrey, 28–29 January 2016.
Fedden, Sebastian and Greville G. Corbett. 28 January 2016. Concurrent systems: Refining the typology. Presented at workshop ‘Gender and Classifiers: Diachronic and synchronic variation’, University of Surrey, 28–29 January 2016.
Round, Erich and Greville G. Corbett. 17 September 2015. Kayardild TAM and the typology of feature systems. Paper at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, University College London, 15-18 September 2015.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 1 May 2015. Two systems or one? A Canonical Typology approach. Diversity linguistics: retrospect and prospect. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, 1–3 May 2015.
Fedden, Sebastian. 20 March 2015. Verb stem aspect in Mian and other Papuan languages. Presented at the Department of Linguistics Research Seminar. The University of Sydney.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 26 January 2015. Gender and classifiers as co-occurring systems: A first typology. Presented at the workshop ‘Gender and classifiers: areal and genealogical perspectives’, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, 26–27 January 2015.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 22 October 2014. Multiple categorization: The case of Mian. Presented at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.
Fedden, Sebastian and Greville G. Corbett. 8 September 2014. Nominal classification and syntax. Syntax of the World's Languages 6 (SWL 6), Pavia, Italy, 8–10 September 2014.
Fedden, Sebastian. 4 September 2014. Tonal inflection in Mian. LAGB Annual Meeting, Oxford, UK, 1–5 September 2014.
Fedden, Sebastian. 15 August 2014. Multidimensional variation in person agreement: evidence from Alor-Pantar languages. 10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT) 10, Leipzig, Germany, 15–18 August 2013.
Fedden, Sebastian. 20 June 2014. Variation in pronominal indexing in the Alor-Pantar languages. Workshop – 'Affectedness' (in connection with Fedden's consultancy for the project Grammar Matrix Reloaded - Syntax and Semantics of Affectedness), Nanyang Technological University Singapore.
Fedden, Sebastian. 17 June 2014. Investigating grammatical coding patterns using video elicitation. Workshop – 'Affectedness' (in connection with Fedden's consultancy for the project Grammar Matrix Reloaded - Syntax and Semantics of Affectedness), Nanyang Technological University Singapore.
Fedden, Sebastian and Greville G. Corbett. 28 May 2014. Combining gender and classifiers: A Canonical Typological perspective. 16th International Morphology Meeting, Budapest, 28 May – 1 June 2014.
Brown, Dunstan and Sebastian Fedden. 16 May 2014. Modelling a dual categorization system: Mian verbal classifiers and gender. Seventh Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL7), SOAS, London, 16–17 May 2014.
Fedden, Sebastian and Greville G. Corbett. 17 January 2014. Analysing gender and classifiers: The special case of Mian. Workshop – 'Gender and classifiers: Cross-linguistic perspectives', University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, 17 January 2014.
Brown, Dunstan. 8 January 2014. Understanding linguistic complexity: Morphology, meaning and Mian. Presented at the York Talks: 'Shining a light on inspiring research', University of York.
Corbett, Greville G. and Sebastian Fedden. 28 November 2013. Genus und Klassifikatoren kombiniert: Mian und sein typologischer Kontext. Genus, Klassifikation und Kategorisierung (organized for Prof. David Zubin's 70th birthday), Münster, Germany, 28–30 November 2013.
Fedden, Sebastian. 18 September 2013. Combining gender and classifiers: towards a canonical approach. 46th Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), Split, Croatia, 18–21 September 2013.
Fedden, Sebastian. 15 September 2013. Combining gender and classifiers. 9th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 15–18 September 2013.
Fedden, Sebastian. 18 August 2013. Mian for typologists - the essentials. Plenary talk (Georg von der Gabelentz Award) at the 10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT) 10, Leipzig, Germany.
Brown, Dunstan. 6 June 2013. Combining gender and classifiers in Natural Language. Presented at the Arts and Humanities Summer Research Celebration, Humanities Research Centre, University of York.
Van den Heuvel, Wilco and Sebastian Fedden. 24 May 2013. The relation of the Greater Awyu and Ok languages. 6th Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APPL 6). SOAS, London, 24–25 May 2013.
Fedden, Sebastian and Dunstan Brown. 24 May 2013. Multiple alignment systems in a single family: Evidence from Alor-Pantar. 6th Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APPL 6). SOAS, London, 24–25 May 2013.
Corbett, Greville G. 21 May 2013. A typological perspective on features. Presented as part of a set of lectures at the National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 21–23 May 2013.
Workshops and theme sessions
Feist, Timothy (organiser). 29 January 2016. Workshop: “Gender and classifiers: Diachronic and synchronic variation”. University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
Project members
Prof Greville G. Corbett
Dr Matthew Baerman
Dr Dunstan Brown (University of York)
Dr Sebastian Fedden
Dr Timothy Feist
Prof Maria Polinsky (University of Maryland)
Prof Gunter Senft (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen)
Period of award:
April 2013 - May 2016
Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)