Brighter, cleverer, but more intelligent: Understanding periphrasis

Periphrasis bibliography

Ackerman, Farrell & Gregory Stump. 2004. Paradigms and periphrastic expression: a study in realization-based lexicalism. Projecting Morphology, ed. by Louisa Sadler and Andrew Spencer, 111-58. Stanford, CA: Center for the Study of Language and Information.

Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. 2005. Serial verb constructions in typological perspective. Serial verb constructions: a cross-linguistic typology, ed. by Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and R.M.W. Dixon, 1-68. Oxford: OUP.

Andersen, Henning. 2006. Grammation, regrammation and degrammation. Tense loss in Russian. Diachronica 23:2, 231-258

Blevins, James P. 2004. Periphrasis as syntactic exponence. To appear in: Paradigms and periphrasis, ed. by Farrell Ackerman, James Blevins, and Gregory Stump. Stanford: CSLI.

Booij Geert. 2004. Constructional idioms and periphrasis: the progressive construction in Dutch. To appear in: Paradigms and periphrasis, ed. by Farrell Ackerman, James Blevins, and Gregory Stump. Stanford: CSLI.

Bowern, Claire (forthcoming). The Historical Linguistics of Complex Predication. [Introduction to an edited volume on complex predicates in historical perspective.]

Börjars, Kersti, Nigel Vincent and Carol Chapman. 1997. Paradigms, periphrases and pronominal inflection: a feature-based account. Yearbook of Morphology 1996, ed. by Geert Booij and Jaap van Marle, 155-180. Amsterdam: Kluwer.

Börjars, Kersti and Nigel Vincent. 2006. Paradigms, periphrases and change. Paper read at the 2006 LAGB Meeting. University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Boyd, Jeremy Kenyon. 2007. Comparatively speaking: a psycholinguistic study of optionality in grammar. A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistic and Cognitive Science. University of California, San Diego.

Carrasco, Gutierrez, Angeles & Luis Garcia Fernandez. 2006. Diccionario de Perifrasis Verbales. Madrid: Gredos. (based on the translation of the authors' abstract)

Cennamo, Michela. 2007. Auxiliaries and serials between late Latin and early Romance. Sui dialetti italoromanzi: Saggi in onore di Nigel B. Vincent, ed. by Delia Bentley and Adam Ledgeway. (The Italianist No 27, special supplement 1), 63-87. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, Department of Italian.

Donohue, Mark. 2008. Complex predicates and bipartite stems in Skou. Studies in Language 32:2. 279-335. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Durie, Mark. 1997. Grammatical structures in Verb Serialization. Complex predicates, ed. by Alex Alsina, Joan Bresnan and Peter Sells. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Embick, David. 2007. Blocking effects and analytic/synthetic alternations. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 25. 1-37.

Everett, Daniel L. 2005. Periphrastic pronouns in Wari. International Journal of American Linguistics. Vol. 71, No 3. 303-326.

Falk, Yehuda N. 2008. Functional relations in the English auxiliary system. Linguistics 46-5. 861-889.

Gibson, Diana. 2005. Causative verbs in ancient Greek: the development of the periphrastic construction. University of Oxford: thesis (D.Phil.).

Harris, Alice C. Forthcoming. Unexpected periphrasis in Udi. To appear in: Paradigms and periphrasis, ed. by Farrell Ackerman, James Blevins, and Gregory Stump. Stanford: CSLI.

Haspelmath, Martin. 2000. Periphrasis. Morphologie / Morphology: Ein internationales Handbuch zur Flexion und Wortbildung / An International Handbook on Inflection and Word-Formation, ed. by Geert Booij, Christian Lehmann and Joachim Mugdan.1, 654-664. Berlin: de Gruyter.

Hiyama, Susumu. 2004. Old English verbal-auxiliary clusters: some notes. Neophilologus 88, 121-129.

Kiparsky, Paul. 2005. Blocking and Periphrasis in inflectional paradigms. Yearbook of Morphology 2004, ed. by Geert Booij, 113-135. Dordrecht: Springer.

Laca, Brenda. 2006. Indefinites, Quantifiers and Pluractionals: What Scope Effects Tell Us about Event Pluralities. Non-definiteness and Plurality, ed. by Liliane Tasmowski and Svetlana Vogeleer, 190-216. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Mondorf, Britta. 2009. More support for more-support. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Narrog, Heiko. 2010. The order of meaningful elements in the Japanese verbal complex. Morphology 20, 205-237.

Poser, William J. 1992. Blocking of phrasal constructions by lexical items. Lexical Matters, ed. by Ivan Sag and Anna Szabolcsi, 111-130. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information. 111-130.

Pullum, Geoffrey K. & Arnold M. Zwicky. 1984. The syntax-phonology boundary and current syntactic theories. Working Papers in Linguistics. The Ohio State University 29, 105-116.

Ross, John Robert 1991. Verbiness and the Size of Niches in the English Auxiliary. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language: Essays in Honor of S.-Y. Kuroda, ed. by Carol Georgopolous and Roberta Ishihara, 459-466. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.

Sadler, Louisa & Andrew Spencer. 2001. Syntax as an exponent of morphosyntactic features. Yearbook of Morphology 2000, ed. by Geert Booij and Jaap van Marle, 71-96. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Shyldkrot, Hava Bat-Zeev and Nicole Le Querler (eds). 2005. Les Périphrases Verbales. Lingvisticæ Investigationes Supplementa 25. John Benjamins.

Sobolev, Andrej. 2009. From synthetic to analytic case: variation in South Slavic dialects. The Oxford Handbook of Case, ed. by Andrej Malchukov and Andrew Spencer, 716-721. Oxford: OUP.

Spencer, Andrew. 2003. Periphrastic paradigms in Bulgarian. Syntactic Structures and Morphological Information. (Interface Explorations 7), ed. by Uwe Junghanns and Luka Szucsich, 249-282. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Spencer, Andrew. 2008. Does Hungarian have a case system? Case and Grammatical Relations: Studies in honor of Bernard Comrie, ed. by Greville G. Corbett and Michael Noonan, 35-56. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

van Staden, Miriam & Ger Reesink 2008. Serial verb constructions in a linguistic area. Serial Verb Constructions in Austronesian and Papuan languages, ed. by Gunter Senft, 17-54. Pacific Linguistics 594.

Stump, Gregory. 2004.  Morphological blocking and Pānini's principle. To appear in: Periphrasis and paradigms, ed. by Farrell Ackermann, James P. Blevins and Gregory Stump. Stanford: CSLI.

Tesniere, Lucien. 1939. Théorie structurale des temps composés. Mélanges de linguistique offerts a Charles Bally, 153-183. Genève: Georg et Cie, S.A.

Toops, Gary. 2006. A Contrastive Perspective on Several Morphosyntactic Features of Upper Sorbian," Canadian Slavonic Papers - Revue canadiennedes slavistes 48:1-2, 136-155.

Vincent, Nigel. 2001. Non-finite forms, periphrases, and autonomous morphology in Latin and Romance. Morphological Autonomy. Perspectives from Romance Inflectional Morphology, ed. by Maria Goldbach, Marc-Olivier Hinzelin, Martin Maiden and John Charles Smith, 421-439. Oxford: OUP.

Warner, Anthony R. 1992. An interpretation of the rise of periphrastic do. Research paper YLLS/RP. University of York.

Willis, David. 1999. The structure of Old Russian periphrastic verbal constructions. Crossing Boundaries: Advances in the Theory of Central and East European Languages, ed. by István Kenesei, 45­65. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 182. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Zwicky, Arnold M. 1990. What are we talking about when we talk about serial verbs? OSU Working Papers in Linguistics.

Project members

Prof Greville G. Corbett
Dr Dunstan Brown
Dr Marina Chumakina

Period of award:

November 2007 - October 2010


Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
