Prominent possessors
Bárány, András, Oliver Bond and Irina Nikolaeva (eds.). 2019. Prominent internal possessors. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Baerman, Matthew, Oliver Bond and Andrew Hippisley (eds.). 2019. Morphological perspectives: Papers in honour of Greville G. Corbett. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Bond, Oliver. 2019. Where are gender values and how do I get to them? In Baerman, Bond and Hippisley, 327-369.
Bond, Oliver, Felicity Meakins and Rachel Nordlinger. 2019. Prominent possessor indexing in Gurindji. In Bárány, Bond and Nikolaeva, 80–106.
Nikolaeva, Irina, András Bárány and Oliver Bond. 2019. Towards a typology of prominent internal possessors. In Bárány, Bond and Nikolaeva, 1–38.
Nikolaeva, Irina and András Bárány. 2019. Proximate possessors. In Bárány, Bond and Nikolaeva, 228–258.
Yadava, Yogendra P., Oliver Bond, Irina Nikolaeva and Sandy Ritchie. 2019. The syntax of possessor prominence in Maithili. In Bárány, Bond and Nikolaeva, 39–79.
Ritchie, Sandy. 2017. Agreement with the internal possessor in Chimane. Studies in Language 41(3): 660-716. doi: 10.1075/sl.41.3.05rit
Ritchie, Sandy. 2016. Two cases of prominent internal possessor constructions. In D. Arnold et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Joint Conference on HPSG and LFG. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 620-640.
Bárány, András and Irina Nikolaeva. Possessors in switch-reference. Paper presented at the General Linguistics Seminar, Faculty of Linguistics, Philology, and Phonetics, University of Oxford, 19 November 2018.
Nikolaeva, Irina. Internal possessors in possessive applicatives: A diachronic scenario. IATL 34, 8 October 2018.
Bárány, András and Irina Nikolaeva. The syntax of noun phrase internal lexical possessors in Tundra Nenets. NELS 49, Cornell University, 5 October 2018.
Bárány, András and Irina Nikolaeva. Possessors in switch-reference. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), University of Sheffield, 14 September 2018.
Bárány, András, Oliver Bond and Irina Nikolaeva. Workshop on Differential possessor marking at Syntax of the World's Languages (SWL) 8, INALCO, Paris, 3–5 September 2018.
Bárány, András, Oliver Bond, Greville G. Corbett and Irina Nikolaeva. 2018. Towards a typology of prominent internal possessors. Workshop on Possessive relations at the 40th Conference of the German Linguistics Association (DGfS), University of Stuttgart, 9 March 2018.
Bond, Oliver and Greville G. Corbett. 2017. Heads and dependents: A canonical approach. 12th Conference of the Association of Linguistic Typology, Australian National University, Canberra, 12 December 2017.
Bárány, András and Irina Nikolaeva. 2017. Possessors in switch-reference. 12th Conference of the Association of Linguistic Typology, Australian National University, Canberra, 12 December 2017.
Nikolaeva, Irina and András Bárány. 2017. Proximate internal possessors. 49th Conference of the Australian Linguistics Society, University of Sydney, 7 December 2017.
Yadava, Yogendra P., Oliver Bond, Irina Nikolaeva and Sandy Ritchie. 2017. The syntax of internal possessors in Maithili. 38th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Nepal, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, 26 November 2017.
Irina Nikolaeva. 2017. Prominent Internal Possessors in DOM. Invited talk at “Diachrony of Differential Object Marking”, INALCO, Paris, 16 November 2017.
Nikolaeva, Irina and András Bárány. 2017. Proximate Possessors in Tundra Nenets. 24th South of England LFG meeting, SOAS University of London, 4 November 2017.
Nikolaeva, Irina and András Bárány. Proximate internal possessors. Paper presented at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting 2017, University of Kent, 7 September 2017.
Bond, Oliver. Topical controllers of gender agreement. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), University of Kent, 6 September 2017.
Nikolaeva, Irina and András Bárány. Prominent internal possessors as proximate possessors. Paper presented at Syntax of the Uralic Languages (SOUL), Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary, 28 June 2017.
Nikolaeva, Irina. 2017. Prominent Internal Possessors as a challenge to the theory of agreement. University of Graz, May 2017.
Nikolaeva, Irina. 2017. The Marvels of Tundra Nenets. SOAS Language Fest, 21 February 2017. Public talk, video available online.
Nikolaeva, Irina. 2016. Mixed inheritance in possessive constructions. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Construction Grammar, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil. 6 October 2016.
Yadava, Yogendra, Sandy Ritchie, Irina Nikolaeva and Oliver Bond. The syntax of internal possessors in Maithili. Paper presented at the Workshop on Prominent Internal Possessors, SOAS, 23 September 2016.
Michelson, Karin. 2016. Non-identity of indices in Oneida (Iroquoian) possessive structures. Paper presented at the Workshop on Prominent Internal Possessors, SOAS, 23 September 2016.
Ritchie, Sandy and Oliver Bond. 2016. Constructing a multivariate database on possessor prominence. Paper presented at the Workshop on Prominent Internal Possessors, SOAS, 23 September 2016.
Göksel, Aslı. 2016. Conditions on Prominent Internal Possessors in Turkish. Paper presented at the Workshop on Prominent Internal Possessors, SOAS, 23 September 2016.
Say, Sergey. 2016. Prominent internal possessors in Bashkir. Paper presented at the Workshop on Prominent Internal Possessors, SOAS, 22 September 2016.
Nikolaeva, Irina. 2016. Prominent Internal Possessors Eastern Uralic style. Paper presented at the Workshop on Prominent Internal Possessors, SOAS, 22 September 2016.
Ritchie, Sandy. 2016. Disjoint and reflexive prominent internal possessor constructions in Chimane. Paper presented at the Workshop on Prominent Internal Possessors, SOAS, 22 September 2016.
Corbett, Greville G. 2016. Heads – a canonical approach. Paper presented at the Workshop on Prominent Internal Possessors, SOAS, 22 September 2016.
Nordlinger, Rachel and Felicity Meakins. 2016. Prominent Internal Possessors in languages of Australia. Paper presented at the Workshop on Prominent Internal Possessors, SOAS, 22 September 2016.
Nikolaeva, Irina. 2016. Introduction. Paper presented at the Workshop on Prominent Internal Possessors, SOAS, 22 September 2016.
Ritchie, Sandy. 2016. A non-derivational account of possessive applicative constructions. Paper presented at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting 2016, University of York. 8 September 2016.
Ritchie, Sandy. 2016. An unusual case of polyfunctionality of an antipassive. 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europa, Naples, Italy. 31 August 2016.
Ritchie, Sandy. 2016. Agreement with the internal possessor in Chimane: A mediated locality approach. Syntax of the World's Languages 7, Mexico City, Mexico. 19 August 2016.
Bond, Oliver and Sandy Ritchie. 2016. Prominent possessors in the Indosphere. Paper presented at Syntax of the World's Languages 7, Mexico City, Mexico. 17 August 2016.
Ritchie, Sandy. 2016. Two cases of prominent internal possessor constructions. Paper presented at the Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. 27 July 2016.
Ritchie, Sandy. 2016. Predicate-possessor agreement in Chimane. Poster presented at the Workshop on Putting Fieldwork on Indigenous Languages to New Uses, University of Campinas, Brazil. 31 March 2016.
Bond, Oliver and Sandy Ritchie. 2016. Prominent possessors in the Tibeto-Burman area. Paper presented at the University of Essex Linguistics Departmental Seminar, University of Essex, Colchester. 18 February 2016.
Nikolaeva, Irina, Sandy Ritchie and Oliver Bond. 2015. Prominent possessors. Project presentation at SOAS, University of London. 11 November 2015.
Ritchie, Sandy. 2015. Internal possessor prominence in Chimane. Paper presented at the Surrey Linguistics Circle, University of Surrey, Guildford. 27 October 2015.
Project members
Prof Irina Nikolaeva (SOAS)
Dr Oliver Bond
Prof Greville G. Corbett
Dr András Bárány (SOAS)
Dr Sandy Ritchie (SOAS)
Period of award:
October 2015 - March 2019
Arts and Humanities Research Council