Short term morphosyntactic change
Dončeva (1962) - STMC bibliography
Dončeva, Lljudmila. 1962. Njakoi sposobi na izrazjavane kategorijata opredelenost/neopredelenost v ruskite otricatelni izrečenija v sravnitelen plan s bălgarski ezik, Ezik i literatura 17(2). 25-40.
This article considers two problems: (i) the use of the genitive and accusative with direct objects of negated transitive verbs in Russian, and (ii) the use in Bulgarian, under similar conditions, of direct objects with and without the definite article.
Constructions under consideration:
Russian | Bulgarian | |||||||
ja | rukavic | ne | nošu | az | răkavic-i | ne | nosja | |
I | mitten[PL.GEN] | not | wear | I | mitten-PL.INDEF | not | wear | |
‘I do not wear mittens’ | ‘I do not wear mittens’ | |||||||
…ne | ljubila | učitel´nic-u | …ne | običaše | učitelka-ta | |||
not | liked | teacher-SG.ACC | not | liked | teacher-SG.DEF | |||
‘…did not like the teacher’ | ‘…did not like the teacher’ |
The author examines a widely accepted assumption that Bulgarian definite forms in the construction under consideration correspond to accusative forms in Russian, while Bulgarian indefinite forms correspond to Russian genitive forms. Using two parallel corpora (original Russian texts with Bulgarian translations and original Bulgarian texts with Russian translations) Dončeva concludes that this correspondence does obtain in the vast majority of cases, but that some genitive objects in Russian may be semantically definite (for example, if they have postposed modifiers). In such cases, Russian genitive objects will be translated into Bulgarian by definite forms. Consideration is given to conditions which trigger competing case forms in Russian and definite/indefinite forms in Bulgarian.
A significant part of the article is dedicated to historical change in case assignment in Russian. Dončeva analyzes the use of genitive and accusative objects in three sets of Russian literary texts from three time periods (see below), and shows that the frequency of the accusative in the 20th century increased significantly compared to the 19th century. The author also examines genitive/accusative variation from a synchronic perspective and considers factors that condition morphosyntactic choices. She does not however provide statistical data in support of this argument.
Texts investigated
Fiction 1830 – 1958 ( split into 3 parts as follows):
- Puškin A. S. Egipetskie noči, Povesti Belkina, Kapitanskaja dočka (1830 – 1836)
- Lermotov M. Ju. Geroj našego vremeni (1841)
- Gogol´ N.V. Mertvye duši (1842)
- Turgenev I.A. Zapiski oxotnika (1847-74)
- Tolstoj L.N. Anna Karenina (1877), Voskresenie (1899)
- Dostoevskij F.M. Djadjuškin son (1859)
- Leskov N. S. Rasskazy i povesti (period not specified)
- Korolenko V.G. V durnom obščestve (1885)
- Čexov A.P. Rasskazy (year not given)
- Bunin I.A. Izbrannye proizvedenija (year not given)
- Gor´kij A. M. Foma Gordeev (1899), Skazki ob Italii (1913), V ljudjax (1916), Delo Artamonovyx (1925), Žizn´ Klima Samgina (1936), Mat´ (1907), Detstvo (1914).
- Ostrovskij N. Kak zakaljalas´ stal´ (1934)
- Paustovskij K. Izbrannye proizvedenija (period is not specified)
- Mal´cev N. Ot vsego serdca (1948)
- Polevoj B. Povest´o nastojaščem čeloveke (1946)
- Izjumskij B. Prizvanie (1952)
- Nekljudova O. Povest' o škol´nom gode
- Polockaja S. Učenica 10 A
- Ažaev V. Daleko ot Moskvy (1948)
- Ketlinskaja V. V osade (1947)
- Koptjaeva A. Derzanie (1958)
Statistics (raw numbers as well as the ratio of genitive to accusative) are provided for each individual author and recalculated with respect to each time period.
Which data from the source were used
Statistics from the source are presented in the database in their entirety.
Project members
Prof Greville G. Corbett
Dr Matthew Baerman
Dr Dunstan Brown
Dr Alexander Krasovitsky
Dr Alison Long
Period of award:
September 2004 - May 2008
Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) - RG/AN4375/APN18306