Saanich Verb Database

SENĆOŦEN is a Salish language spoken by the Saanich First Nations community of Vancouver Island, Canada. The Saanich Verb Database is a searchable resource of SENĆOŦEN data provided by four Saanich elders between 2005 and 2012 for Dr. Claire K. Turner’s research on aspect and modality.

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There are 4535 sentences in the database. Reorder by verb root, verb stem, translation or source.

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Records 1 to 20 of the 4535 records matching your query:
Verb rootVerb stemOrthographyTranscriptionGlossTranslationSourceComments
qʷelḰÁLЌÁL SENqʷel=səntalk=1sg.sbjI’m going to talk.CT Fieldwork 2006 
qʷelḰÁLЌÁL E SW̱?qʷel=ʔə=sxʷtalk=q=2sbjAre you going to speak?CT Fieldwork 2006 
qʷelḰÁLЌÁL E SW̱?qʷel=ʔə=sxʷtalk=q=2sbjAre you going to speak?CT Fieldwork 2006 
qʷelḰÁLNEC̸E TW̱ ЌÁLnəkʷə txʷ-qʷel2sg.pred inch-talkYou talk.CT Fieldwork 2006 
qʷelḰÁLTW̱I NEC̸E TW̱ ЌÁLtxʷ-iʔ nəkʷə txʷ-qʷelinch-com 2sg.pred inch-talkYou go and talk.CT Fieldwork 2006 
qʷelḰÁLTW̱I NEC̸E TW̱ YÁ ЌÁLtxʷ-iʔ nəkʷə txʷ-yeʔ qʷelinch-com 2sg.pred inch-go talkYou go and speak (to someone).CT Fieldwork 2006 
kʷečȻÁĆEṈC̸ÁĆEṈkʷečəŋshoutYell. (telling someone to yell)CT Fieldwork 2006 
kʷečȻÁĆEṈC̸ÁĆEṈ ŦE Janetkʷečəŋ θə Janetshout fem.det JanetJanet yelled; Janet called."Turner 2005: 252; Turner 2007: 30, 85"Second translation given by John Elliott.
kʷečȻĆÁṈETEṈC̸ĆÁṈETEṈ SEN EṮ Janetkʷčeŋ-ət-əŋ=sən ʔə=ƛ̓ obl=pn.det JanetJanet yelled at me.CT Fieldwork 2006 
kʷečȻĆÁṈETEṈC̸ĆÁṈETEṈ SEN EṮ Janet C̸NES I ŚETEṈkʷčeŋ-ət-əŋ=sən ʔə=ƛ̓ Janet kʷ=nə=s ʔiʔ-šətəŋ̓ obl=pn.det Janet comp=1sg.poss=nmlz process-walk\ipfvJanet yelled at me while we were walking.CT Fieldwork 2006I follow Timothy Montler (p.c.) in using the term ‘process’ for this prefix that is used when an action is ongoing.
šətŚETEṈC̸ĆÁṈETEṈ SEN EṮ Janet C̸NES I ŚETEṈkʷčeŋ-ət-əŋ=sən ʔə=ƛ̓ Janet kʷ=nə=s ʔiʔ-šətəŋ̓ obl=pn.det Janet comp=1sg.poss=nmlz process-walk\ipfvJanet yelled at me while we were walking.CT Fieldwork 2006I follow Timothy Montler (p.c.) in using the term ‘process’ for this prefix that is used when an action is ongoing.
nəw̓NU,ILEṈC̸ĆÁṈETEṈ SEN EṮ Janet C̸NES NU,ILEṈkʷčeŋ-ət-əŋ=sən ʔə=ƛ̓ Janet kʷ=nə=s nəw̓-il-əŋ obl=pn.det Janet comp=1sg.poss=nmlz yelled at me when I came in.CT Fieldwork 2006 
kʷečȻĆÁṈETEṈC̸ĆÁṈETEṈ SEN EṮ Janet C̸NES NU,ILEṈkʷčeŋ-ət-əŋ=sən ʔə=ƛ̓ Janet kʷ=nə=s nəw̓-il-əŋ obl=pn.det Janet comp=1sg.poss=nmlz yelled at me when I came in.CT Fieldwork 2006 
k̓ʷeyC̸L̵ QA̸ SENkʷɬ=k̓ʷey=sənprf=get.hungry=1sg.sbjI’m hungry.CT Fieldwork 2006 
k̓ʷeyQȺ SENk̓ʷey=sənget.hungry=1sg.sbjI’m hungry; I got hungry.Turner 2005: 250; Turner 2007: 29, 54, 84 
k̓ʷeyQA̸ SEN C̸NES QEN,NEW̱ TŦE S,IL̵ENk̓ʷey=sən kʷ=nə=s k̓ʷən-nəxʷ tθə s-ʔiɬənget.hungry=1sg.sbj comp=1sg.poss=nmlz gnrl.det nmlz-eatI got hungry when I saw the food.CT Fieldwork 2006 
k̓ʷənQENNEW̱ / QENNESQA̸ SEN C̸NES QEN,NEW̱ TŦE S,IL̵ENk̓ʷey=sən kʷ=nə=s k̓ʷən-nəxʷ tθə s-ʔiɬənget.hungry=1sg.sbj comp=1sg.poss=nmlz gnrl.det nmlz-eatI got hungry when I saw the food.CT Fieldwork 2006 
ɬčikʷəsȽĆIȻESL̵ĆIC̸ES SEN LOɬčikʷəs=sən=ləʔget.tired=1sg.sbj=pstI was tired.CT Fieldwork 2006 
ɬčikʷəsȽĆIȻESL̵ĆIC̸ES LO SENɬčikʷəs=ləʔ=sənget.tired=pst=1sg.sbjI was tired.CT Fieldwork 2006 
ɬčikʷəsȽĆIȻESL̵ĆIC̸ES SENɬčikʷəs=sənget.tired=1sg.sbjI’m tired; I’m getting tired.CT Fieldwork 2006 