Study in SMG
Surrey Morphology Group provides a unique opportunity to students wishing to conduct PhD research in theoretical morphology, typology and language documentation and description.
A range of funding opportunities are available for UK, EU and International applicants.
Students based with the group benefit from being a member of a community of researchers working on a variety of topics related to linguistic diversity and its consequences for the analysis of grammatical systems.
Former PhD student Dr Kristian Roncero collecting data with a West Polesian language consultant in Belarus. | For her PhD research, former student Dr Tatiana Reid conducted fieldwork with Nuer speakers from South Sudan. |
Regular presentations are made by Group members, including PhD students, for the purposes of feedback on work in progress or conference preparation.
We regularly organise workshops and conferences linked to research projects undertaken in the Group, providing opportunities for you to network with a wide range of scholars and be exposed to a variety of empirically motivated approaches to linguistics.
Key areas for PhD research that can be supervised within SMG include:
- Theoretical morphology (including Network Morphology and Paradigm Function Morphology)
- Morphological interfaces
- Syntax and information structure
- Linguistic typology (including Canonical Typology)
- Language Documentation and Description (including Austronesian, Nakh-Daghestanian, Niger-Congo, Nilo-Saharan, Oto-Manguean, Papuan, Slavonic, Tibeto-Burman languages)
Possible supervisors in SMG include:
Please look at our staff profiles and current and past projects to see what kind of research is conducted in the group.
For further details contact Dr Oliver Bond