Northwest Solomonic
© Bill Palmer 2005
Last modified 17 August 2005
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The languages are listed roughly from west to east.
Choiseul general
Binet, V. le C. (n.d.) [Field notes.] Unpublished.
[Unseen. Notes on Choiseul languages including vocabularies and translations, cited by Capell (1943:20).]
Capell, Arthur (1943) ‘Notes on the islands of Choiseul and New Georgia, Solomon Islands.’ Oceania 14:20-29.
[Gives an overview of Choiseul languages on the basis of information available at the time.]
Capell, Arthur (1968) ‘Lexicostatistical study of the languages of Choiseul Island, BSI.’ In Arthur Capell & Albert J. Schütz (eds) Papers in the linguistics of Melanesia, no. 1. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics pp1-25.
[Despite the title, this includes wordlists of New Georgia languages. Data drawn from Grace’s questionnaires.]
Capell, Arthur (1971) ‘Austronesian languages of Australian New Guinea.’ In Thomas A. Sebeok (ed) Current trends in linguistics. Vol. 8 Linguistics in Oceania. The Hague: Mouton. pp240-340.
[Mentions several ‘ Choiseul’ lexical items (p321).]
Hackman, Brian D. (n.d.) Extended Swadesh list for Solomon Island vernaculars. Unpublished field notes.
[Unseen. 300 item wordlist in 65 Solomon Islands languages including Choiseul languages, collected in the 1960s.]
Ray, Sidney H. (1926) The Melanesian Island Languages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[‘Choiseul.’ Overview of Choiseul languages. pp567-568.]
Ross, Malcolm D. (1988) Proto Oceanic and the Austronesian languages of western Melanesia. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
[Includes an overview of NWS, including a discussion of clause structure in Banoni, Choiseul, and North Bougainville (pp229-236); and of phonological and lexical innovations (p224) and morphosyntactic innovations (p255) in Choiseul.]
Scheffler, Harold W. (n.d.) [Field notes on Choiseul languages.]
[Scheffler spent 15 months on Choiseul in the 1960s. Notes on Varisi, but also other languages?]
Scheffler, Harold W. (1965) Choiseul island social structure. Publisher??
[Unseen. Notes on Varisi, but also other languages? (Fisher lib.)]
Thurnwald, Richard, 1910, ‘Im Bismarckarchipel und auf den Salomoinseln 1906-09.’ Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. 42:98-147.
[Capell (1943:20) cites mentions of Choiseul; (p23) cites mention of Babatana (inc. pp124-125)]
Thurnwald, Richard, 1912, Forschungen auf den Salomo-Inseln und dem Bismarck-Archipel. Vol. 1. Berlin: Reimer.
[Capell (1943:20) cites mentions of Choiseul.]
Tryon, Darrell T. & Brian D. Hackman (1983) Solomon Islands languages: an internal classification. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
[Major work investigating relationship between Solomon Island communalects, based largely on Hackman’s field wordlists. Includes an overview of language in the Solomon Islands; previous research; a classification based on phonological correspondences; and a lexicostatistical analysis and 324 item comparative wordlist of 111 communalects including those of Choiseul.]
Tryon, Darrell T. & Brian D. Hackman (1983) Solomon Islands languages: an internal classification. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
[Includes a classification of Solomon Islands communalects based on phonological correspondences; a lexicostatistical analysis of 111 communalects including Vaghua, based largely on Hackman’s field wordlists; and 324 item comparative wordlist including Vaghua.]
Anon. (ed) (1995) Custom stories from Choiseul. Gizo: Western Province Government.
[16 texts with translations, probably Varisi]
Capell, Arthur (1943) ‘Notes on the islands of Choiseul and New Georgia, Solomon Islands.’ Oceania 14:20-29.
[Includes 8 item comparative wordlist of Choiseul languages including Varisi (as ‘ Varese’) (p21); a Varisi genealogy with 10 kin terms (p23) (from Waterhouse’s field notes); and one other Varisi term (p24).]
Capell, Arthur (1971) ‘Austronesian languages of Australian New Guinea.’ In Thomas A. Sebeok (ed) Current trends in linguistics. Vol. 8 Linguistics in Oceania. The Hague: Mouton. pp240-340.
[Includes 2 Varisi pronouns (p279).]
Farrant, Stephen (n.d.) Varese ( Choiseul). Unpublished typescript.
[20 page Varisi-English wordlist with 31 page English-Varisi wordlist.]
Gregory, M. (ed) (1995) More custom stories from Choiseul. Gizo: Western Province Government.
[16 texts with translations, collected in 1972]
Hackman, Brian D. (1968) A guide to the spelling and pronunciation of place names in the British Solomon Islands Protectorate. Honiara: British Solomon Islands Protectorate Lands and Survey Department.
[Includes a 20 item comparative wordlist of 33 Solomons languages including Varisi, based on original primary data. (p9)]
Hall, A.H. (n.d.) [Field notes]
[Unseen. Missionary field notes, cited by Ross (n.d.).]
Kolagbaumen, Johann (1913) Grammatik der Uaresi-Sprache, gesprochen in Insel-Choiseul. Berlin: Ernst Siegfried Mittler und Sohn.
[Unseen. Cited by Lanyon-Orgill (1950). Suspect as Kleineberger (1957) was unable to trace it in Germany.]
Menesia, Lawrence (1995) Buka na kasitomu era. Book about custom. Gizo: Western Province Government.
[15 texts with translations, collected in 1987]
Ray, Sidney H. (1926) The Melanesian Island Languages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[‘Grammar of the Bambatana language (1).’ 3 page grammatical sketch apparently actually of Varisi, primarily on morphology. pp568-571.]
Ross, Malcolm D. (n.d.) [Grammatical notes.]
[Unpublished notes based on data from Scheffler (n.d.) and Hall (n.d.).]
Scheffler, Harold W. (n.d.) [Field notes.]
[Unpublished field notes on Varisi including extensive topical wordlists and sentence elicitations. Scheffler spent 15 months on Choiseul between 1958 and 1961.]
Scheffler, Harold W. (1965) Choiseul island social structure. Publisher??
[Unseen. Notes on Varisi, but also other languages?]
Tryon, Darrell T. & Brian D. Hackman (1983) Solomon Islands languages: an internal classification. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
[Includes a classification of Solomon Islands communalects based on phonological correspondences; a lexicostatistical analysis of 111 communalects including the Varisi and Ghone communalects of Varisi, based largely on Hackman’s field wordlists; and 324 item comparative wordlist including Varisi and Ghone.]
Waterhouse, J.H.L. (n.d.) [Field notes on Varisi.] Unpublished.
[Unseen. Cited by Capell (1943:23).]
Yen, D.E. (1974) The sweet potato and Oceania. An essay in ethnobotany. Honolulu : Bernice P. Bishop Museum .
[Includes 4 root crop terms in Varisi.]
Capell, Arthur (1943) ‘Notes on the islands of Choiseul and New Georgia, Solomon Islands.’ Oceania 14:20-29.
[Includes 8 item comparative wordlist of Choiseul languages including Tambatamba (p21); plus one other Tambatamba term (p24).]
Capell, Arthur (1943) ‘Notes on the islands of Choiseul and New Georgia, Solomon Islands.’ Oceania 14:20-29.
[Includes 8 item comparative wordlist of Choiseul languages including Ririo (p21); plus one other Ririo term (p24).]
Laycock, Donald C. (1982) Metathesis in Austronesian: Ririo and Other Cases. In Amran Halim, Lois Carrington & Stephen A. Wurm Papers from the Third International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics. Vol. 1: Currents in Oceanic. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. pp??-??.
Laycock, Donald C. (1978) Ririo sound-system and spelling. & Ririo tape transcripts. Unpublished typescript.
[1 page of language background and phoneme inventory; 18 pages of elicited lexical items and sentences, transcribed from two tapes.]
Ross, Malcolm D. (n.d.) [Grammatical notes.]
[Unpublished notes based on data from Laycock (1978).]
Tryon, Darrell T. & Brian D. Hackman (1983) Solomon Islands languages: an internal classification. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
[Includes a classification of Solomon Islands communalects based on phonological correspondences; a lexicostatistical analysis of 111 communalects including Ririo, based largely on Hackman’s field wordlists; and 324 item comparative wordlist including Ririo.]
Anon (1962) [Primary data notes.]
[Unseen. Set of short utterances and 400 item wordlist collected from a speaker in Auckland. Cited by Whaley (1962:60).]
Capell, Arthur (1943) ‘Notes on the islands of Choiseul and New Georgia, Solomon Islands.’ Oceania 14:20-29.
[Includes 8 item comparative wordlist of Choiseul languages including Babatana (p21); 12 item list of Babatana kin terms (p22) and discussion of various other Babatana terms scattered throughout (pp20-25).]
Hackman, Brian D. (1968) A guide to the spelling and pronunciation of place names in the British Solomon Islands Protectorate. Honiara: British Solomon Islands Protectorate Lands and Survey Department.
[Includes a 20 item comparative wordlist of 33 Solomons languages including Babatana (as ‘Mbambatana’) and Avasö dialects, based on original primary data. (p9)]
Money, Lucy (??) ?? Unpublished typescript.
[Draft Babatana-English dictionary.]
Ray, Sidney H. (1926) The Melanesian Island Languages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[‘Grammar of the Bambatana language (2).’ 13 page grammatical sketch of Babatana, primarily on morphology. pp571-584.]
Ribbe, Carl (1903) Zwei Jahre unter den Kannibalen der Salomoinseln. Reiseerlebnisse und Schilderungen von Land und Leuten. Dresden-Blasewitz: Beyer. pp187-212
[Includes 21 item wordlist (p194).]
Ross, Malcolm D. (n.d.) [Field notes.]
[Notes on primary research with Babatana informants. Includes elicitations and grammatical notes.]
Tryon, Darrell T. & Brian D. Hackman (1983) Solomon Islands languages: an internal classification. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
[Includes a classification of Solomon Islands communalects based on phonological correspondences; a lexicostatistical analysis of 111 communalects including the Babatana (as ‘Mbambatana’), Tunöe, Katazi, Lömaumbi and Avasö communalects of Babatana (as ‘East Choiseul’), based largely on Hackman’s field wordlists; and 324 item comparative wordlist including Babatana, Tunöe, Katazi, Lömaumbi and Avasö.]
Whaley, Owen G. (1962) ‘Babatana segmental phonemes.’ Te Reo 5:60-62.
[Brief outline of Babatana phonemes with sample words, and some discussion of allophony, phonotactics, vowel length and stress.]
Capell, Arthur (1943) ‘Notes on the islands of Choiseul and New Georgia, Solomon Islands.’ Oceania 14:20-29.
[Includes 8 item comparative wordlist of Choiseul languages including Sisiqa (as ‘Sengga’) (p21); plus one other Sisiqa term (p24).]
Ross, Malcolm D. (2002) ‘Sisiqa.’ In John Lynch, Malcolm D. Ross & Terry Crowley (eds) The Oceanic languages. London: Curzon. pp456-466.
[Excellent 11 page grammatical sketch.]
Ross, Malcolm D. (n.d.) [Field notes.]
[Notes on primary research with Sisiqa informant. Includes questionnnaires, elicitations, and grammatical notes.]
Tryon, Darrell T. & Brian D. Hackman (1983) Solomon Islands languages: an internal classification. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
[Includes a classification of Solomon Islands communalects based on phonological correspondences; a lexicostatistical analysis of 111 communalects including Sisiqa (as ‘Sengga’ dialect of Babatana (as ‘ East Choiseul’)), based largely on Hackman’s field wordlists; and 324 item comparative wordlist including Sisiqa.]
Yen, D.E. (1974) The sweet potato and Oceania. An essay in ethnobotany. Honolulu : Bernice P. Bishop Museum .
[Includes 4 root crop terms in Sisiqa (as ‘Sanga’).]
Capell, Arthur (1943) ‘Notes on the islands of Choiseul and New Georgia, Solomon Islands.’ Oceania 14:20-29.
[Includes 8 item comparative wordlist of Choiseul languages including Kirunggela (p21); plus one other Kirunggela term (p24).]
Hackman, Brian D. (1968) A guide to the spelling and pronunciation of place names in the British Solomon Islands Protectorate. Honiara: British Solomon Islands Protectorate Lands and Survey Department.
[Locates Kirunggela on map of Choiseul. (p9) (Kirunggela may be a dialect of Babatana (Ethnologue). Geographic distribution in Hackman suggests Kirunggela may be communalect otherwise known as Lömaumbi.]