Northwest Solomonic
© Bill Palmer 2005
Last modified 17 August 2005
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The languages are listed roughly from west to east.
Piva/Banoni General
Capell, Arthur (1971) ‘Austronesian languages of Australian New Guinea.’ In Thomas A. Sebeok (ed) Current trends in linguistics. Vol. 8 Linguistics in Oceania. The Hague: Mouton. pp240-340.
[Includes an overview of languages of Bougainville including Piva/Banoni (pp274; 280-281); and a discussion of Piva/Banoni historical phonology with several lexical items and a 7 item comparative wordlist of Torau, Uruava and Banoni (pp298; 300; 304; 310).]
Lincoln, Peter C. (1976a) ‘History of research in Austronesian languages: Bougainville Province.’ In Stephen A. Wurm (ed) New Guinea area languages and language study. Vol. 2 Austronesian languages. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. pp197-222.
[An overview of then extant research on the Oceanic languages of Bougainville and Buka, including Piva/Banoni; with a briefly annotated language by language bibliography of the main published linguistic sources to that date; and a comparative 4 item wordlist of 7 NWS languages including Piva and Banoni (p202).]
Ray, Sidney H. (1926) The Melanesian Island Languages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[Includes ‘Bougainville island.’ overview of languages of Bougainville including Piva/Banoni (pp589-590).]
Ross, Malcolm D. (1988) Proto Oceanic and the Austronesian languages of western Melanesia. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
[Includes a discussion of phonological and lexical innovations (p223) and morphosyntactic innovations (p253) in Piva/Banoni.]
Allen, Jerry & Conrad Hurd (1963) Survey word list. Unpublished typescript.
[Unseen. 189 item SIL survey questionnaire of words and some sentences for each of Nagarige and Amun dialects. Cited by Capell (1971:281).]
Capell, Arthur (1971) ‘Austronesian languages of Australian New Guinea.’ In Thomas A. Sebeok (ed) Current trends in linguistics. Vol. 8 Linguistics in Oceania. The Hague: Mouton. pp240-340.
[Includes a discussion of Nagarige and Amun dialects (as dialects of Banoni), including sample sentences in each dialect and a discussion of stress (p281); and a comparative 25 item wordlist of 15 Nehan/North Bougainville, Piva/Banoni and Mono-Uruavan languages and dialects including Piva (as ‘Banoni North’) (p277-279). All data drawn from Allen & Hurd (1963); and a discussion of Piva/Banoni historical phonology with several lexical items from Nagarige and Amun dialects (p304).]
Frederici, Georg, 1912, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer amtlichen Forschungesreise nach dem Bismarck-Archipel im Jahre 1908. Vol. II. Beiträger zur Völker- und Sprachenkunde von Deutsch-Neuguinea.MDS, Ergänzungsheft 5.
[Unseen. Includes canoe terms in Piva (as ‘Buruwe’) (pp304-305); and a handful of additional lexical items (scattered through pp200-211).]
Frederici, Georg, 1913, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer amtlichen Forschungesreise nach dem Bismarck-Archipel im Jahre 1908. Vol. III. Untersucherung über eine melanesische Wanderstrasse.MDS, Ergänzungsheft 7.
[Unseen. Includes about 30 additional Piva (as ‘Buruwe’) lexical items (scattered through pp75-147).]
Lincoln, Peter C. (1975) ‘Suggestions for a Banoni orthography.’ In Richard Loving (ed) Papers in five Austronesian languages. Workpapers in Papua New Guinea Languages. No. 12. Ukarumpa: Summer Institute of Linguistics. pp57-79.
[Describes phonemic variation between 2 dialects of Banoni and Piva. Proposes orthography. Includes one 29 line glossed parallel text in Piva and in 2 dialects of Banoni.]
Lincoln, Peter C. (1976a) ‘Banoni, Piva and Papuanization.’ In Ger P. Reesink, Lillian Fleischmann, Sinikka Turpeinen & Peter C. Lincoln (eds) Papers in New Guinea linguistics No. 19. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. pp77-105.
[Discussion of whether Piva is Papuanized version of Banoni. Includes lexical comparison of three Banoni communalects, 3 Piva communalects and Rotokas (Papuan); a brief statement of tense and aspect in Piva, Banoni and Rotokas; and one 29 line glossed parallel text in Piva and in the Mabes and Torokina dialects of Banoni (same text as (1975)).]
Lincoln, Peter C. (1976c) ‘History of research in Austronesian languages: Bougainville Province.’ In Stephen A. Wurm (ed) New Guinea area languages and language study. Vol. 2 Austronesian languages. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. pp197-222.
[An overview of then extant research on Piva (p208-209) with a briefly annotated bibliography of the main published linguistic sources to that date; and a comparative 4 item wordlist of 7 NWS languages including Piva (p202).]
Ross, Malcolm D. (n.d.) [Grammatical notes.]
[Notes on Piva based on Lincoln 1976a and 1976b.]
Allen, Jerry & Conrad Hurd (1963) Survey word list. Unpublished typescript.
[Unseen. 189 item SIL survey questionnaire of words and some sentences for Banoni. Cited by Capell (1971:281).]
Anon. (n.d.) Banoni. Unpublished.
[Questionnaire of kin terms in 92 kin categories elicited for Chinnery, presumably by Boch, in the early 1920s.]
Capell, Arthur (1971) ‘Austronesian languages of Australian New Guinea.’ In Thomas A. Sebeok (ed) Current trends in linguistics. Vol. 8 Linguistics in Oceania. The Hague: Mouton. pp240-340.
[Includes a brief discussion of Banoni (as ‘Banoni’, along with discussion of Nagarige and Amun dialects of Piva) (p281); a sample sentence (p244); and a comparative 25 item wordlist of 15 Nehan/North Bougainville, Piva/Banoni and Mono-Uruavan languages and dialects including Banoni (as ‘Banoni South’) (p277-279); and a discussion of Mono-Uruavan and Piva/Banoni historical phonology with several Banoni lexical items and a 7 item comparative wordlist including Banoni (pp298; 300; 304; 310); and a discussion of lexical developments including several lexical items and a 3 item comparative wordlist of 28 Western Oceanic languages including Banoni (pp320-322). All data drawn from Allen & Hurd (1963).]
Chinnery, E.W.P. (1923) Notes on the natives of south Bougainville and Mortlocks (Taku). Territory of New Guinea. Anthropological Report no. 5. Canberra.
[Contains a list of 26 kin terms and 4 lexical items used as clan names, and population numbers. pp84-86.]
Chinnery, E.W.P. (n.d.) Bougainville. Unpublished typescript.
[Comparative wordlist of kin terms in 92 kin categories in 5 NWS languages including Banoni and 3 Papuan languages, provided by A. Boch, along with 3 languages of New Britain and New Ireland.]
Frederici, Georg, 1912, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer amtlichen Forschungesreise nach dem Bismarck-Archipel im Jahre 1908. Vol. II. Beiträger zur Völker- und Sprachenkunde von Deutsch-Neuguinea.MDS, Ergänzungsheft 5.
[Unseen. Includes canoe terms in Banoni (as ‘Iapa’) (pp304-305); and a handful of additional lexical items (scattered through pp200-211).]
Frederici, Georg, 1913, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer amtlichen Forschungesreise nach dem Bismarck-Archipel im Jahre 1908. Vol. III. Untersucherung über eine melanesische Wanderstrasse.MDS, Ergänzungsheft 7.
[Unseen. Includes about 30 additional Banoni (as ‘Iapa’) lexical items (scattered through pp75-147).]
Lincoln , Peter C. (1975a) English-Banoni finder list. typescript.
[30 page English to Banoni word list. Includes 1 page statement of orthography and phonemes.]
Lincoln, Peter C. (1975b) ‘Suggestions for a Banoni orthography.’ In Richard Loving (ed) Papers in five Austronesian languages. Workpapers in Papua New Guinea Languages. No. 12. Ukarumpa: Summer Institute of Linguistics. pp57-79.
[Describes phonemes of Mabes dialect, and phonemic variation between Mabes and Torokina dialects of Banoni and Piva. Proposes orthography. Includes one 29 line glossed parallel text in Piva and in the Mabes and Torokina dialects of Banoni. (Mitchell Lib.) ]
Lincoln, Peter C. (1976a) ‘Banoni, Piva and Papuanization.’ In Ger P. Reesink, Lillian Fleischmann, Sinikka Turpeinen & Peter C. Lincoln (eds) Papers in New Guinea linguistics No. 19. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. pp77-105.
[Discussion of whether Piva is Papuanized version of Banoni. Includes lexical comparison of three Banoni communalects, 3 Piva communalects and Rotokas (Papuan); a brief statement of tense and aspect in Piva, Banoni and Rotokas; and one 29 line glossed parallel text in Piva and in the Mabes and Torokina dialects of Banoni (same text as (1975b)).]
Lincoln, Peter C. (1976b) Describing Banoni, an Austronesian language of southeast Bougainville. PhD thesis, University of Hawai’i Honolulu.
[Reference grammar of Mabes dialect. Includes one 146 line glossed text.]
Lincoln, Peter C. (1976c) ‘History of research in Austronesian languages: Bougainville Province.’ In Stephen A. Wurm (ed) New Guinea area languages and language study. Vol. 2 Austronesian languages. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. pp197-222.
[An overview of then extant research on Banoni (p205); with a briefly annotated bibliography of the main published linguistic sources to that date; and a comparative 4 item wordlist of 7 NWS languages including Banoni (p202).]
Lincoln , Piet C. (2002) ‘Changing prepositions in Banoni.’ Handout of paper presented to 5th Conference on Oceanic Linguistics, Canberra.
[Statement with examples of prepositions and certain other grammatical particles in Banoni.]
Lynch, John & Malcolm D. Ross (2002) ‘Banoni.’ In John Lynch, Malcolm D. Ross & Terry Crowley (eds) The Oceanic languages. London: Curzon. pp440-455
[Excellent 16 page grammatical sketch covering Mabesi and Mariga dialects.]
Rausch, Peter (1912) ‘Die Sprache von Südost-Bougainville, Deutsche Salomoninseln.’ Anthropos 7:105-134; 585-616; 964-994; 1056-1057.
[Includes map showing Banoni (as Banuni) (p105).]
Ray, Sidney H. (1926) The Melanesian Island Languages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[1 page lexical and grammatical notes, primarily on morphology, on Banoni. pp590-591.]
Ross, Malcolm D. (1988) Proto Oceanic and the Austronesian languages of western Melanesia. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
[Includes a discussion of clause structure in Banoni, Choiseul, and North Bougainville (pp229-236).]
Ross, Malcolm D. (n.d.) [Field notes.]
[Notes on primary research with Banoni informant including questionnaires and elicitations, and grammatical notes based on primary sources and Lincoln 1976b.]